A TEST | Arthritis Information


ABC has a test at the below address to see who's campaign statements, McCain's
Or Obama's, you agree with most. They don't tell you who made the statements, of
Course, but a statement made by each candidate on the same topic (economy,
Immigration, judiciary, etc.) will be side by side.
You just pick which statement you agree with and, after selecting all 13,
You'll find out which candidate's philosophy you support.
Try it at:
click herehttp://abcnews.go.com/Politics/MatchoMatic/fullpage?id=5542139 

What a surprise; It says McCain is my optimal choice.
That's cool.
atta girl, LOVIEThat was fun!  And proves to me that it is good I've never joined a party - evenly split, one pick for each, in all categories except 'Hot Topics' (clear winner there that I'll keep to myself LOL).McCain for me too!!! That was very interesting.  I'll be honest that its a tough decision for me this year.  I almost always lean republican.  I feel so terribly disappointed in Bush and feel like McCain would probably be, well, just more of Bush. 
The test showed heavily McCain.  Will I vote McCain?  Don't know.  Heck, I may not vote at all.
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