Does anyone feel hot and cold at the same time? | Arthritis Information


I get so cold that I have to hunker down in bed under my heavy goosedown comforter, electric blanket, and my laptop propped on bended knees. If I start to get hot, I start to get goosebumps that makes me even colder. I hate getting out of bed because of it and can't wait to get back in. I've noticed it is worse 1/2 hr after I take my am and pm meds.

Could it because of all my weight loss? I don't seem to have much body fat and am cold all the time. We didn't have a spring this year and summer lasted not much more than 3-4days. The cold rains should be starting up anytime, since our fall weather has appeared.
Question #2- does uncontrolled RA cause weightloss? A lot of things happened at the same time. I had a partial hyst. I stopped pred. I worked off and on, even thru some wicked flares, and I am simply not hungry - ever. I was wearing size 14-16s and now my size 4's are way too big for me and I am having a hard time finding 2's that are long enough and don't look like they belong on a teenager. Is this a sign of a bad flare?\
I see my rheumy next week and I think he said we were going to try embrel again, but I'd love to hear  your guesses too.
Thanks, love you guys~!!!
When my RA was uncontrolled I had that weight loss too. I don't remember not feeling hungry but when I ate I never finished my meal.
Not having body weight can make you feel cold but now after prednisone I have some extra padding and I still feel incredibly cold all the time- people actually get angry with me and say I can't possibly be cold. I wonder if RA causes temperature disturbances? My RD has never said so when I complain and I had my thyroid checked but it was fine.
I hear ya about the cold rains- I hate them! I have noticed since our temperature dipped and the air has taken on a raw, damp, feel-I'm feeling it in my joints...
edited for typos
wanttobeRAfree2008-09-13 04:44:51