Daily Headaches | Arthritis Information


I'm back to daily headaches for the past couple of weeks. They wake me up in the morning. It is the plaquinil. I'm not sure I can deal with this med if this is the way I'm gonna feel. This second go around with plaq has not been side effect free. I had some with it before but not this bad. Argh

PhatsHave you tried increasing your water intake, Lorster?  That just might help.  I had problems with daily headaches as well and increasing my water intake helped right away.  I'm on plaquenil as well...but I think my headaches started when I started sulfasalazine.And a headache taints everything you do.  Hope you can get some relief, Lorster.I have daily headaches too and my rheumy tested my thyroid.  I had hypothyroidism and that also causes headaches.  Just a thought.Thanks guys. My thyroid is good, had it tested in June. Even had the antibody test which was normal. You know, my water intake is down. I worked 44 hours this week and we don't drink enough while running all day. I will get on the water kick today and see if that will help. Yeah, Linncn...you stated it well. It really does affect quality of life. LORSTER, I'M ON PLAQUENIL AND MTX AND I GET DAILY HEADACHES. AS SOON AS I FEEL ONE COMING ON I TAKE TWO "EXCEDRIN FOR MIGRAINE". IT TAKES CARE OF MINE.I also have headaches almost everyday. I take plaq, but I assumed it was from the fibro, which also causes headaches as a symptom. I really should drink more water too. Also, my thyroid is always "normal" but I wonder about that. My antibodies are high. I'll start trying to drink more, because I can bet that is what is causing them for me.Well for me the headaches are the disease. Had them before the Plaquinil. Side effects I do think i get some. Overall my GP said I better stay on them till I see the Reumy or I will be in bigger trouble. Like red bleeding hands and not being able to walk.
 Just please get something else before you give up. As my illness progresses I often feel sure that it is a med or something causing my problems. But then i find that quitiing the meds was just a fluke and it all comes back two weeks latter.
 I believe you and i know it is hard. I wish they could give us something that just made us feel well and pain free.
My daughter had daily headaches. We found she is slightly hyoglycemic and if she keeps her blood sugar up that reduces the number of headaches. She also has localized scleroderma on her forehead and that is probably contributing to the headaches. There may be more than one cause for yours too. Excedrin Migraine works best for her. When it is really bad she has a little coffee too. Gets pretty buzzed up, but it works.
I hope you find the answer soon.

Shame on you and this forum!

AchingAudrey2008-11-30 21:13:00Aching, I'm only on plaquinil but I have not taken it for 3 days and NO headache for 3 days. not sure I can do this med anymore. Not only headaches, but nausea all day long. Not sure what to do. My rhemy told me I need to be on a DMARD if I want to stay away from damage. I'm not sure I have RA some days even though I'm sero positive. Just do not know what to do.

Shame on you and this forum!

AchingAudrey2008-11-30 21:13:22Aching. I do not have a rheumy. My RD died two years ago, suddenly, leaving our community without one. I would have to travel and wait months and months to get in. I just learned that there will be a new RD in our community around christmas and they will start taking appointments then. I have changes in my retina with my last appt which was not present at baseline exam two years earlier. Not sure if it is related but not really sure this is the med for me. I gave it a second chance and really don't want to take it with the side effects. I have not tried anything else but I have mild to moderate disease at this point so biologics are not appropriate for me at this time.
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