OT : "Hate" Talk Radio | Arthritis Information


FROM PBS Bill Moyer's Journal:

"What happens when America's airwaves fill with hate? BILL MOYERS JOURNAL takes a tough look at the hostile industry of "Shock Jock" media with a hard-hitting examination of its effects on our nation's political discourse. "
To view video click on Rage on the Radio or  to read transcript see:

You mean, what happens when conservatives tell what's really happpening.  The answer is easy.  Liberals ban together and demand equal time, hoping to choke conservative news shows off the airwaves.  As though it's conservatives fault that liberal radio programs consistantly fail.

Did you watch the 20 minute video?   I'm guessin' not since you posted a few minutes after my post.  Its interesting that you should equate conservative talk radio with "hate" talk radio -- there was no mention of conservative talk radio in my first post, Bill Moyers video is about "the hostile industry of "Shock Jock" media."  No mention of conservatism or liberalism, but the impact of "shock jock" talk on political discourse. 
Joie2008-09-13 09:46:26Adkisson is a deranged individual and doesn't represent conservatives at all.
Bill Moyer had Rev. Wright on to convince people he is not hateful.  In my opinion, from what I have heard, Rev. Wright is VERY hateful.
On the other hand, Bill Moyer had Melody PEterson on to talk about her book. Our Daily Med: How the Pharmaceutical Industry Has Marketed Drugs....... In my opinion, that was a very good interview.  She concluded by saying we should pass laws so doctors cannot accept contributions form drug companies.  RIGHT ON.  This interview is posted on the board.
This is because Linncn automatically equates conservative with all good, and liberal with all evil. It is too bad that the tunnel vision does not leave and people will actually open their eyes to the good and bad of both conservative and liberal. [QUOTE=Jan Lucinda]Adkisson is a deranged individual and doesn't represent conservatives at all.
Bill Moyer had Rev. Wright on to convince people he is not hateful.  In my opinion, from what I have heard, Rev. Wright is VERY hateful.
On the other hand, Bill Moyer had Melody PEterson on to talk about her book. Our Daily Med: How the Pharmaceutical Industry Has Marketed Drugs....... In my opinion, that was a very good interview.  She concluded by saying we should pass laws so doctors cannot accept contributions form drug companies.  RIGHT ON.  This interview is posted on the board.
No where in the video does anyone say Adkisson represented conservatives.  The question asked was, what may have contributed to this man acting out on  his hatred to drive him to murdering people in a church?
And yes, Rev. Wright was on Moyers' program, to present him to the public and and allow them to judge him after a 20 minute interview rather than just that minute sound bite.  Did you watch it? You say from what "you've heard" so I'm guessin' not.  It's an interesting interview, did you know he was on the surgery team that operated on President Johnson?
Since you found Melody Peterson's interview valuable, I think you might agree that the Bill Moyer's Journal program, discusses topics some may think controversial, and offers points of views and discussions that we don't often find on other mediums.
I don't eqate conservative shows with hate.  But it's common rant from the liberal population which I know that you are a part  of.    But you're right, I didn't watch it yet.    I don't have time to watch it till later.  But tell me this, was my assumption wrong? 

"All liberals should be killed"  ???

He targeted the church because it advocates social justice and tolerance and it openly welcomes gay, lesbian and transgender members."   ???
Michael Savage of "Liberalism is a Mental Disease" says liberals are more dangerous than Hitler??? and "Liberalism is the HIV virus"???
Limbaugh wants a sequal to the Dem Convention of '68?  OMG  Riots and burning cars?
Knoxville pastor says "When you blame all your problems on some minority group then everyone else is exonerated.  We exonerate ourselves.  We don't have to look at ourselves to see what sort of ways we contribute to the problems of the world.  We don't have to examine ourselves to see what we're doing that is helping to create the problems that we're so concerned about.
Which wolf do you feed?
Your assumption was wrong on more levels than not.  Waiting for you to tell me how you don't see hate in all this.  When you can see it.
I do not-see poverty; I do not-see homelessness; I do not-see an American religious civil war ripping this country in two.  Rut ro.  Just goes to show, you shouldn't go blabbing before you know what you're talking about.  My apologies.  If it makes anybody happy to know this....I just stepped in puppy poo and tracked throughout my house.  So I guess I have some scrubbing to do.  Bye for now. Well, I wouldn't post this definition if you hadn't made that answer before you even saw the content of the post. Sorry, but I guess it's true about you.


You mean, what happens when conservatives tell what's really happpening.  The answer is easy.  Liberals ban together and demand equal time, hoping to choke conservative news shows off the airwaves.  As though it's conservatives fault that liberal radio programs consistantly fail.


Main Entry:
French, hypocrite, bigot
: a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices ; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance
— big·ot·ed \-gə-təd\ adjective
— big·ot·ed·ly adverb
By the way, even though conservatives lie over and over again that air america radio failed, it's still on the air years later.

I guess in the conservative mind set there's not room for reality when it gets in the way of bigottry.http://airamerica.com/

Edited to add linkGimpy-a-gogo2008-09-13 12:10:51I want to point out that these shock jocks would not be carried in a radio market unless they had listeners.  I recognize some of those names as long gone from our area, others I've never even heard of.  If your airwaves are filled with them.......I'm just sayin'........

Shock jocks are 'entertainers' and will deliberately say inflammatory things to get attention. Negative attention still gets ratings.

I think a mentally ill person capable of murder is just that.  Haven't previous searches of their homes after the fact turned up copies of The Catcher in the Rye  or letters to Jodie Foster? 

Freedom of speech.  But you don't have to listen.


You're asking me was your assumption wrong?  The first post was about how "shock jock" radio impacts political discourse and you responded, "You mean, what happens when conservatives tell what's really happpening?"
These are examples of shock jock radio from Bill Moyer's program: 

MICHAEL SAVAGE: "I'll tell you what autism is. In 99 percent of the cases, it's a brat who hasn't been told to cut the act out. That's what autism is. What do you mean they scream and they're silent? They don't have a father around to tell them, 'Don't act like a moron. You'll get nowhere in life. Stop acting like a putz. Straighten up. Act like a man. Don't sit there crying and screaming, idiot.'"

GLENN BECK:"I'm thinking about killing Michael Moore and I'm wondering if I could kill him myself, or if I would need to hire somebody to do it. No, I think I could. I think he could be looking me in the eye, you know, and I could just be choking the life out of him. Is this wrong?"

MICHAEL REAGAN: "Take them out and shoot them. They are traitors to this country, and shoot them. But anybody who would do that doesn't deserve to live. You shoot them. You call them traitors, that's what they are, and you shoot them dead. I'll pay for the bullet."

NEAL BOORTZ: (about Katrina victims) "That wasn't the cries of the downtrodden. That's the cries of the useless, the worthless. New Orleans was a welfare city, a city of parasites, a city of people who could not, and had no desire to fend for themselves. You have a hurricane descending on them and they sit on their fat asses and wait for somebody else to come rescue them."

NEAL BOORTZ:"It's Ramadan and Muslims in your workplace might be offended if they see you eating at your desk. Why? I guess it's because Muslims don't eat during the day during Ramadan. They fast during the day and eat at night. Sorta like cockroaches."

Linnc, I would think you are just as offended as me by such speech.  The question this program raises is what affect does this daily hate talk, which really is perverse entertainment, sadly, not informational, have on public discourse?  Can't we have respectful, civil discourse?  Doesn't our country suffer as a result if we cannot -- further polarizing groups?
And as far as equal time for a different point of view, why not?  The public airwaves are "public airwaves." 

Gimpy, are you trying to say that you never make any assumptions about anyone ever, based on what you're past experience tells you???  That's a lie.  You've done it to me.  Empty headed and open minded are not the same thing.

I have never even heard of Neil Boortz.  I have liked Micheal Reagan when I've heard him, but it's been a long time.  I've heard of Glenn Beck, but I've never heard him.  I have heard Micheal Savage and I do find him to be offensive, radical and i don't like him.  And yes, though I have still not listened ( I will after I get my daughter off to work) you're right.  I don't mind some making fun, sometimes it's funny when either side does it.  But I am very not for talk of death or harm to any candidate or anyone who supports them.  Even the way we go at it sometimes, I sure wouldn't hope anything bad for any of you.Linnc,  Just saw your apology.  I think all of us at some time have been quick to get our opinion out there without "hearing" what the other is saying -- misunderstandings occur and communication gets all messed up.
My point in posting this video, was simple, to consider that words have consequences.
Which wolf do you feed?

Gimpy, are you trying to say that you never make any assumptions about anyone ever, based on what you're past experience tells you???  That's a lie.  You've done it to me.  Empty headed and open minded are not the same thing.


Ahhh, more insults. I guess that's what you have to resort to when you have no rational leg of information to stand on.Joie-
Yes, I saw the interview of Rev. Wright and found it very unconvincing.  The video of his talks at the church seem much more real.
This is total left-wing commentary (although that does not mean it's inaccurate) but it sums up the current situation to me, the situation that Republicans seem to think it's a great idea to inuslt, smear, snipe, lie and basically act in immature and hostile manners. It also touches on their own self-hatred (and you would have to kind of hate yourself to think acting that way is a right on thing to do).

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAc0OmQ1PpY&eurl=http://airamerica.com/blog/2008/sep/12/suckas-gopI haven't watched the video so I'm can't comment on that....although you guys sure make it sounds nasty.
I just popped in because I saw "Hate" talk radio. I was just going to say " I love talk radio" I listen to talk radio all day long at my desk. I listen to CNN because it's the only national all news network I can get over the internet but I also listen to our local talk radio a lot too. I like to listen to that so I can follow more local races.
Won't comment on this thread again until I can actually hear the video and know what I'm talking about before I make a judgement on it. OMG, GoGo, that was hilarious.
Pip who didn't get an invite to the ball!
I listen to radio a lot too, that corny show "Prairie Home Companion," "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me," and during the week, talk radio on NPR, on which political discussions do not disintegrate to name calling and hateful speech. 
On a thread here on the forum, a poster referred to Obama as a "mongrel."  I don't know if many saw it, but the few that did, did not bother to object to this derogatory characterization of a biracial person.   With the popularity of shock jock radio and the passive acceptance of its vitrolic speech, our standards for discussions seem to get lower and lower.
Janet Jackson's breast was exposed for a few seconds on national tv and there was public outrage and she was fined, yet shock jock radio spews out its hateful speech and these shock jocks get paid millions.  Seems sorta hypocritical to me.
Especially since that was a manufactured malfunction.
I did not see the mongrel comment and would have probably exploded had I seen it.  Hate is hate. 
Joie, I didn't see any quotes from talk shows that are on Air America. Why would that be? All the ones you quoted are "conservatives", in quotes because Savage is a huge radical. The others sometimes go over the top, but when you get paid to talk for 4+ hours straight, sometimes that will happen. But I wonder, have you listended to Air America? They constantly belittle and name-call Bush, Rice, etc... yet I never hear anyone calling them up on it... BTW, I have no problem with equal air time, if they can manage to sustain themselves without government assistance. Radio stations are businesses. They should do what sells, not what the government wants them to do. That is the American way. Know what I mean?
Be well...
I think we need to back up and look at the bigger picture.  What is being said by some shock jocks is horrible, repulsive and ignorant.  And yes there is a segment of the population that eats it up daily.  It saddens me to see their ignorance.  And I am referring to Liberals as well as Conservatives. 
BUT, having said that, I would fight to the end of time for their right to say it.  That's what is the core of our democracy.  Just as I don't want anyone banning books from my local library, I don't want anyone deciding what opinions can be expressed in a free society.
[QUOTE=José]Joie, I didn't see any quotes from talk shows that are on Air America. Why would that be? All the ones you quoted are "conservatives", in quotes because Savage is a huge radical. The others sometimes go over the top, but when you get paid to talk for 4+ hours straight, sometimes that will happen. But I wonder, have you listended to Air America? They constantly belittle and name-call Bush, Rice, etc... yet I never hear anyone calling them up on it... BTW, I have no problem with equal air time, if they can manage to sustain themselves without government assistance. Radio stations are businesses. They should do what sells, not what the government wants them to do. That is the American way. Know what I mean?
Be well...
Hi Jose,
Did you get a chance to view the program online?  It's about 20-25 minutes.  If you don't have the time, there is a transcript of the program you can read at that same link, though you get the full impact when you listen to exerpts from these shock jock's programs.
No, I didn't post any quotes from Air America.  I only posted exerpts from Bill Moyer's Program, 'Rage on the Radio." This particular program was about "shock Jock" radio, of which most espouse an extreme right=wing viewpoint.  I don't believe they represent all conservatives nor am I objecting to conservative talk radio, or any talk radio, only shock jock radio.
No I haven't listened to Air America.  If a person there talks about how they would kill someone; calls Muslims cockroaches;  autistic children - undisciplined, fatherless brats; Katrina victims - worthless, useless, parasites; NOW - National Organization of Whores; then I would find Air America just as objectionable and offensive as "shock jock" radio.  Air America, as other political radio shows, conservative and liberal (of which there are few) belittle political figures, but this program "Rage on the Radio" is not about them, but about shock jocks that use inflammatory, hate speech.
Shock jock radio is popular, has huge audiences, and yes, radio stations are businesses.  But consider:
In 1987, then President Reagan's FCC got rid of the Fairness Doctrine, which required that radio and tv provide "a reasonable opportunity to hear both sides of controversial issues." 
In 1996, the Telecommunications Act was passed, which allowed a few companies to own unlimited numbers of radio stations.  Hugh conglomerates bought up stations, dominated markets, and were able to offer businesses special packages to advertise, starving independent stations of revenue.  Good business, but is it good for Democracy if it impedes civil discourse?  And just what is the American way these days, serving corporate interests or the public's interest?
Bill Moyers ends this program with a story from folk lore "about the tribal elder telling his grandson about the battle the old man was waging within himself. He said, "My son it is between two wolves. One is an evil wolf: anger, envy, sorrow, greed, self-pity, guilt, resentment, lies, false pride, superiority and ego. The other is the good wolf: joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, generosity, truth, compassion and faith." The boy took this in for a few minutes and then asked, "Which wolf won?" His grandfather answered, "The one I feed." So, too, America's public life. The wolf that wins is the wolf we feed. Media provides the fodder."

You mean, what happens when conservatives tell what's really happpening.  The answer is easy.  Liberals ban together and demand equal time, hoping to choke conservative news shows off the airwaves.  As though it's conservatives fault that liberal radio programs consistantly fail.


Linncn, this question keeps popping into my head: On this post you claim liberal radio programs consistantly fail, and yet you often offer your opinion that the media has a liberal bias. I'm confused---which one is it? How do you reconcile these polar opposite viewpoints?

Edited for clarityGimpy-a-gogo2008-09-15 17:41:16Hi Joie,
Yes, Air America is just as bad. I agree with you some of those comments have no place on the air. However, I've listened to some of those you listed. Beck is hardly a shock jock, not sure about the quote. I believe you, but it doesn't sound like his usual stuff. Though, again, when he has to talk for 4+ hours straight, he says some things that amaze even him I imagine. The others used to be pretty tame but lately they started going off the deep end. Savage in particular has gone completely bonkers. I used to love listening to him, now he just hates everyone and noone is right unless they agree with him. Kind of like a certain poster on this boards. Heh...
The problem I have with the so-called fairness doctrine is that it artificially dictates to businesses how they should program. Don't kidd yourself, a radio stations programming is all about money. I've not met any business people that will sink significant money into a failing business to make a political point. If they do, then they are not in business for long (Of course, "significant money" is subjective to your net worth). Look at Air America. No it didn't fail but it shrunk considerably because they tried to artificially dictate its size. It started losing too much money so it had to shrink. My guess on that is that when they find the right audience and markets, it will grow again. There's a market for them but they need to target them better. Yes, I'm in marketing and I believe the government should stay the hell out of the free market economy. It's what makes our country great. I welcome liberal radio, because I cannot truly be well informed if I only listen to one side of the argument, even if it's supposedly my side. That's why I lurk and sometimes post in the Liberal thread. That is why I like seeing your posts even when I don't agree with a lot of what you say. You make me think. If I can't listen to your point of view and where and how it differs from mine and why, then I am not intellectually honest. Know what I mean?
Be well...
My worry is that this 'shock jock' does indeed permeate our society.  I found it interesting in Moyers view that these people were possibly targeted. 
There is free speech and then there is 'yelling fire in a crowded theatre".
Years ago I listened to a shock jock every morning.  After about 3 months I switched the radio to go off on some sort of retro show playing songs from the 50's.  Why?  Because I found that after waking up to that drivel I was tense and agitated all day, easy to provoke, easy to anger.  50's music was basically upbeat and positive early rock and roll.  My demeanor changed drastically.  Lev should try that.

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