Hips survey | Arthritis Information


Hello everyone,

     I was wondering if everyone could tell me if there RA effects their hip joints. I was diagnosed with RA in 2002. When I moved back to VA. I went to a new DR. I really was sorta scared of him. He was not a bad guy I am easily intimidated. I just went to a new Dr. today and she says that hip joints are not effected by RA. They are my worst joint ,although , I have trouble with my hands ,jaw, knees, feet. My hips hurt constantly and so much that they eventually become sore all over and if anyone even touches them it can sometimes just bring tears to my eyes. Is this strange for RA? This new doctor seemed to question my diagnosis because of this? I'm not sure why but I have been so depressed the rest of today. I have been on the verge of tears. I feel like the worlds biggest wimp. Could anyone give any advice? I read here often but I don't post a lot, I am not really sure why. I think it has to do with the fact that my dad has RA very badly and has for 25 years. I know mine is not as severe but I don't handle it as well as he does. I feel very guilty. Thanks for listening

Kim from Va

I am sorry Kim but looks like you need a new Dr. again.  My major problem is my hips and I definitely have RA.  Many people with ra need hip replacements.  I hate to tell you Kim but you need to fire this doctor.  She DOES NOT know what she is talking about.  Scary that a practicing rd could tell you this.   HIP PAIN IS VERY VERY REAL AND DEBILITATING AND IS RA.  I am sorry you are suffering.  Get a doctor that WILL HELP YOU. 

Keep your chin up


I too have RA and lots of problems with my hips as well. My RD said it's definately related. He's never once questioned it.

Your doctor is not the first to say it's not RA if it's in your hips...but I tend to disagree. It's odd the amount of conflicting information we get from our doctors.

Hang in there...your Dad copes better than you because he's had years of practice. The longer you live with this, the easier it gets. That's not to say the pain gets better....because that is not always the case; but I really do think you learn to deal with it in a different way.

Every ache and pain does not send you into a panic. Eventually you'll blow it off as RA and rest when you need to. You sort of learn to take it as it comes...and expect the unexpected. It's not always easy...but you'll get better at making it seem that way.

Good Luck. Hope to hear more from you here.




Hi Kim from VA,

Why are you feeling guilty?  You didn't choose to have RA and neither did your father. It's life....things happen... and the fact that your father has had a little more practice time with RA, maybe a blessing in disguise.  He can help you along your path...

Hips are involved with RA as well as OA... I added a link for you to read. 

http://orthoinfo.aaos.org/fact/thr_report.cfm?Thread_ID=288& amp;topcategory=Hip

Each doctor has his or her theories on the subject...My hip is diagnosed as OA by way of a xray but to really find out what is going on with it, I think some synovial fluid should be removed and examined to see if it is truly RA or OA or both.  Might be something you may want to ask your doctor about...

Sometimes when I walk down the street it is hard to tell if I am coming or going...My right hip wants to collapse and my left knee and ankle wants to turn inward and go in a different direction, that I was heading in.  YA Gotta love RA...It sure keeps you on your toes...(When they are not hurting)

Take care of yourself Kim and I hope to see you in here more often.

By the way I am from Virginia too.




What area in VA do you live? I grew up in N.VA and now live in S.W. VA. I
have had dr's in both areas. Some who are awesome and some...well not

Maybe I could help you out..


I have JRA and it affects my hips, too. They don't hurt all the time, adn they aren't the worst, but they do get pretty bad, especially if I've been standing for a while. They're also stiff in the mornings.

No guilt! There is no reason to feel guilty! Your dad (as stated above) has had a lot more experience with it, plus (don't tell him this) he's a guy, so he has to act tough.

I'm in VA, too. ^_^


  Thank you so much for the kind remarks. I appreciate it so much. Yesterday was an especially bad day. My mother had given me a twenty minute lecture on how I was going to have to get a grip and get a real life. She doesn't like the fact that I really don't get out and visit a lot or go shopping at the mall etc. I live in Norfolk Va., Becky, my husband is in the military. That also made the last couple of years even more difficult. He was deployed due to the war ,while my son was diagnosed with dyslexia and that caused a great deal of stress for him and his Dad was gone. Things are steadily improving and I am most grateful. My husband went on shore duty in august and even though he is very busy he is safe and comes home. My son was tested he is actually gifted with dyslexia,however, we are extremely fortunate that the National Instute for Learning Disabilities has offices in Norfolk. He goes twice a week to learn how to correct his thinking . It has helped him immeasurably. So there are many positive things happening, and I am very grateful. Thank you again for all you kind comments, I will keep searching for a new doctor.

Kim in Virginia

I know that there are a couple people who live in that area. I just can't
remember who..

My dad is a retired Captain. We lived by Mount Trashmore and he was
based at Little Creek. I love that area. I know it sounds wierd but the
traffic relaxes me. I guess taking drivers ed on the Capital Beltway gives
you a different prespective on how to drive. Areas with traffic=good.
Mountain road=bad. My friends out here laught at me cause I drive like a
turtle and freak out about deer!

Hopefully someone can point you in the right direction..
BeckyHi, Kim.  I'm in Virginia Beach.  Waddles is also in the Tidewater area, and so is Lulubelle.  We've been talking about getting together for lunch or something, but can't seem to get it together.  Rocky cracked me up when she said she lived at Mount Trashmore.  I wonder what the others think of such a place to live.  Can you imagine putting that address on a Christmas card?  Someone else can explain it to the others.  Anyway, welcome.  Who's the RD that intimidates you?  I agree with Roxy and the others.  Maybe you should look for another... Sara G38639.7267824074



Guess what?  I live in Norfolk also and Sara G, Lulubelle and I are trying to get together to have Brunch/Lunch. ( have no idea why we haven't as of yet) Would be great if we all could get together, all of us.  That would be so neat.

I am so please to hear that your son is doing so well with his dyslexia. One of my friends is a lawyer and he had dyslexia...Your son will come out of this with more pluses than we started out with...I pray he will continue to progress as well as he is doing now.

Don't let any one intimidate you. You deserve so much more.

Driving in the capital beltway is just like driving in Philly...It plucks your last nerve...

Hope to chat with you all, real soon and maybe we can all get together...





    I think that would be fun. I would love the opportunity to make new friends. So,if you do decide to set a lunch date I would love to be included.


Good Morning Kim,
We would be honored to have you join us.  Now all we have to do is
"DO IT" 
I think I am going to post a new topic for all us Hampton Roads people about getting together for lunch... if everyone can make it, that would be GREAT... If not, then post a time that would better and we can then plan a better time for all of us.
Hope you have a good Sunday.
Toni Tweety on Computer is too cute!
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