can't sleep | Arthritis Information


It's 1 AM and I can't sleep. Went to bed and got back up.

I don't know what it is but I have been very edgy for over a week now. I am feeling really stressed out. I feel in my gut I am about to suffer with my first flare. It's like a premonition that I'm going to get bad like my onset. I'm trying to push it down because I don't want to "will" myself to have it happen. I am nearing my one year mark since onset...has anyone else felt like this before?
I took a xannax and I am going to try to lie down again.
Sorry you can't sleep.  I am trying to stay awake so I can pick my son up in a little while.
I sure hope its not a premonition.  I have been having a simular thing but not with my arthritis.  I have been having I hope they are not premonitions but like seeing myself collapsing.  So weird, I have never had anything like this.  I think it is because I am out of my meds and subconciously I am worrying something bad is going to happen
I hope you get some rest and destress
and I hope I stay awake long enough to pick up the kid I had insomnia some time beginning of the year or end of last year, and then that is when all my new problems seemed to have popped up. The rapid pulse, the high blood pressure, the possible TIA.
I have not really had insomnia like I did that time. I mean I had it bad for a while and then RD put me on rozerem and I stopped taking it because I could not get the recommended 7-8 hours sleep, no one would leave me alone long enough to let me fall asleep.
So... maybe it is just stress for you.
I hope so anyways.
It is midnight here too. I have been up since yesterday again... well minus the 1 hour nap I took at the in-laws while waiting for dinner to be ready. Yep... that 30mg of pred makes me not want to sleep. I just wish the 30mg of pred was enough to help with my swelling, so I can at least try to clean the house. But I cannot bend over it makes my lower back spasm and then I am no better off than when I started LOL!
I hope we all get to sleep tonight, well... before dawn anyways LOL!
sleep/??! lets just say i can relate to Heath Ledgers death.. being bipolar, I NEED sleep.. also a nightowl and right now having a horrid RA day.. in major pain, and sleep lately .. is becoming a battle.. at night..
naps no problem well usually..
I've taken 75 mgs of atarax (10 used to put me to sleep) plus vicodin, plus valium and i'm still up...
tonight, only advil pm, vicodin and one atarax 25 mg
and damn, i hope it works soon,  bad bad day..
Had I known you were all up I would have stuck around for some chat! I went and laid down on the couch and finally went to sleep.
Yeah my trip is next weekend and there is a little anxiousnous there but also happiness to see my mom. But I have been having disturbing dreams about my mom too with my dad who passed in them...I think her birthday is reminding me about how little time I may have left with her.
Work is stressful- boss has been good for a long time but he's back to being a bear. He talks down to me a lot and says things that zaps my self confidence- I know it's him- it's his personality but after awhile it gets to me. He had been like a new person when I came back from being on disability for 2 months. It was as if he realized how hard it was with me out and how much I do. He really was treating me we lost our production manager and he is cranky and insulting.
Home life has stress too- a daughter just starting her career and having anxious times -she shares with me on a daily basis, son in college on academic probation and I'm "not allowed" to ask him any questions or he completely clams up, 16 year old with a new attitude and it's not a good one...
Husband still not understanding about this whole RA thing plus now he has Lyme and doesn't feel good either...
My onset I think was brought on by a very stressful situation at work-my shoulders have been really bothering me and as always but at a stronger level my ankles, feet, hands and wrists. More so after supper then the rest of the day. Also noticing some minor swelling. I sure hope I can keep myself in check.
I look at a woman like Sara Palin and wish I could be totally unflappable like she is. However she is an exception to the rule I know- why must I always feel like I have to be a super woman?
wanttobeRAfree2008-09-14 05:03:28Wanttobe-Hey I'm sorry you're having a tough time, and how did I miss that your husband got his diagnosis?  You would think he would be more empathetic now.
I've been pretty bitchy falling out and yes I am vain!  I'm up to my eyeballs in my daughter's college apps, man no one prepares you for that!  At least Marley ( kitten) has been released from isolation!  He is just a ball of fire!
Hang in there. By the way- thanks to all who responded.
Pam- I hate the "bad feeling" thing usually nothing happens after all but I always seem to remember the rare occasion it did..
Sno- I hear ya about worrisome dreams-thanks for the suggestions
Joonie- ah high doses of prednisone caused me to have the "Time to make the donuts" syndrome. Don't know if you are old enough to remember that Dunkin Donuts commercial. I remember my body being dead tired but my mind was alert and raring to go! I do hope it at least gets rid of the swelling for you. But how about if you pretend to fall down and lay on the ground and say "oh my God I fell again!" and have hubby clean the house? LOL
Whispered- oh please don't do a Heath Ledger! Hope you found relief!
La- you probably missed my husband's dx because I just mentioned it in someone else's thread somewhere. He still hasn't had his appointment with the infectious disease doctor but he brought his recent blood work the ear doctor did with him to his physical with his GP and he said yes he definitely has Lyme. He changed his antibiotic from amoxicillian to doxycycl HVC 100MG. He see's the infectious dr. on Thursday.
As for me- everything is always better in the light of day...isn't it?
wanttobeRAfree2008-09-14 09:00:16SnowOwl-Yeah, I added that much biotin 2 months ago, my folic acid was change.  I am thinking it's a thyroid issue.  We changed the dosage, so we'll see.  I just kissed Marley for you and he bit my sons ear!  He is a stinker!
Wanttobe-You are right about the light of day.  I can really get myself in a funk when it's dark out.  Can the Lyme actually be cured? I don't know much about it.
Sno- our posts must have crossed- thanks for the pep talk! You are right!
La- I'm not too well informed about Lyme yet either. From what I gather it can be tricky- some get cured 1st time around others get better initially but it comes back. Still not sure if the ringing in the ear is related....ENT tried to do what he could do and the MRI did not detect any tumor(thank God) and he's been on antibiotics but still has the ringing and pressure.
Thanks for asking
College apps are oldest took care of things herself, my son only applied to one school so I was biting my nails- he refused to apply anywhere else- but he was accepted. This last one.....he is clueless of what he wants to do. Really doesn't want to do anything....
I take 7500 mgs Biotin each day- are you on that strong? I have a hard time finding this strength- always find 1000 mgs. I have good success with it.
I take roughly that much biotin, 5,000 plus my multivitamin has like1,600.
I'm handling the majority of the college app.s because I honestly don't know how a teenager could do it.  We're doing 4 common application, and 3 that have their own applications, and we may add one more later.  Then there are all the supplimental things...I will be having a giant martini when this is all over!
I just finished going through all the application process with youngest son. He got accepted to his #1 school. We went yesterday to sign the final student loan papers, got him set up with a 0 school food/ supply account. All his books and supplies are included in the tuition ,000/yr. yikes! thats a big number. What I was most impressed with was the biggest class he has will only have 19 students in it. They have a 100% job placement rate after graduation with places like pixar studios and Disney....
I told him please remember to take care of your mommy when you make it big, and he says he will. Hubby has been just awful lately and this son has been coming up and asking if I am ok, which stops hubby dead in his tracks...
