Has this happened to anyone else? | Arthritis Information


Since yesterday afternoon, my hip, knee and finger have flared. That's not too weird, but add to that that I've broken out in cold sores all over my upper lip.  I'm not a stranger to cold sores, but if I get one it's only one, always in the same spot and only happens every couple of years or so.  Anyone else ever have this happen? [QUOTE=Linncn]Since yesterday afternoon, my hip, knee and finger have flared. That's not too weird, but add to that that I've broken out in cold sores all over my upper lip.  I'm not a stranger to cold sores, but if I get one it's only one, always in the same spot and only happens every couple of years or so.  Anyone else ever have this happen?[/QUOTE]

Use lysine for the cold sore.  I wonder if the flare is due to the remnants of the hurricanes coming north these past couple of days?  Chicagoland has been hit hard; lots of flooding, roads closed, just a mess.  The weather is just starting to lift - the barometer is rising and the rain has stopped.  I don't notice any connection with my pain issues and weather, but some folks do.
Are you stressed out? I get cold sores when I have a lot of stress- I once got a cluster like that too and I usually only get the one in the same spot too. Be careful- for the longest time I had a scar that looked like mis applied lipstick because I bothered with it too much.

Do you use camphophenique liquid? I think that works best as a topical.
Refresh my memory.  What meds are you on?  Anything that suppresses the immune system can make cold sores come out in droves.  That's why I quit the MTX.  They were constant.  I could stop them with the prescription acyclovir....it works like a charm if you catch the cold sore early and stops it dead, or just shortens it if you waited too long.  But it's yet another drug that I would have to take 2-3 times a day for as long as I was on the MTX.  Not gonna do it.  You can also ask for a prescription of acyclovir ointment.  It's better than anything over the counter, but not nearly as effective as the pills.  Believe me, I feel your pain.  Stress and too much sun can also cause it, or anything that puts your body under any more stress than usual.  Even menstruation can trigger it in some people.  Thanks all. I do have some pretty stressfull situations going on right now, we have had solid rain and humidity  for the last couple days.  I do take mtx and Enbrel.  So yes to all of you and Jas, I was trying to remember lysine.   Thanks for reminding me.  All I knew was that it started with an L.  I see my RD wed. I'll ask him about that med Jesse, thanks. Oh, and WTB..I do have camphophinique.  It does help alot.Well my concern is lots of cold sores. How many? Are you sure they are cold sores?
Anyway i asked my son he said he think he got two once at the same time.
I get cold sores as well...most times like you...usually in the one spot.  But a few times I have had a couple at the same time. 
I remember someone on here mentioning Famciclovir.  I always have that on hand now so that when I first feel that "tingle or itch" on my lip I take one right away.  Take that for 5 days and it stops the sore from forming.  Wish I had known about famciclovir a long time ago.My lips got too much sun a while back and I've been fighting a bad one on my lip ever since. The MTX causes me to heal slowly. The sun always gives to me....never fails. Use sinsceen chapstick if the sun causes them.Linncn-
Hope you are doing O.K.

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