OT: Owiemom RE: Abbi-Kitty | Arthritis Information


I saw you asked about if Abbi-Kitty was still on top of the fridge on another post, I forget which one otherwise I would reply to it. LOL!

No, she was a recluse for about almost 3 weeks and was staying at the very top of the kitchen cabinets. She only came down to use to litter box and to eat.
I would talk to her when I would go into the kitchen and ask when she was going to be a social butterfly again, and she would just give me this "whatever" look and then close her eyes and ignore me! SHe gots some attitude I tell ya!
Last few days she has been being a social kitty again. She has actually been sleeping with me and hubby the last few days. She has even been sleeping on me! Which is ODD! Hubby thought it was odd that he woke up and she was sleeping on my hip.
I have even been playing with her with my feet before I go to sleep. Man! Her little teeth hurt! and it hurts even worse when she is "biting" me and gets her back feet and kick my foot!
She was actually walking around the house today and sat at the dinner table while we ate. Of course, she was laying in daughter's chair and licking herself, but we were eating and she was at the table LOL! I gave her a piece of my hamburger and she seemed to like it. And then son left his mac & cheese on the table and when everyone left the table she jumped up on the table and ate his mac & cheese and licked the plate clean.
Abbi-Kitty is a goofy kitty that is for sure.
I'm glad she came down! cats are strange creatures indeed. Hard to believe she was that snooty over a bath. Do you think maybe son squeezed her too hard or something? I'm glad she's back to her old self.
When our last cat was a kitten I was cooking spicy chili on the stove and caught her licking it while it was simmering. Another time my oven was acting up and the repairman turned it on and went out to the truck and came back and the cat had climbed in and was enjoying the heat.
The one we have now is plain goofy. Playtime is 4am no matter what. Our vet actually has a name for the behavior of this one and it;s called the "terrorist kitty" She lies in wait for pouncing on family members or our big dogs. They are actually afraid of her now, and I know she just walks away laughing. She's a klutz, so she is always falling and getting into trouble...
No, I do not think son has done anything to her. Her whiskers are growed back and longer than ever! She runs and jumps up on the counter and then to the cupboard when she hears son coming. She really does not care for him, and she does not seem to care for my daughter either. They both have not done anything to her.
I mean she sometimes does not like me and I have never done anything to her, but bring her home LOL! I guess that was enough in her eyes.
I keep telling her she is going to get another bath... have been for a week now. Because she is scratching again. But I have not felt up to doing it and when I did feel up to giving her a bath hubby was napping. I need him to help me give her a bath, he keeps her still and in the sink while I wash her down.
She is a pursnickity kitty that is for sure.
She has not been in my room tonight. I guess she is going to sleep on top of the cabinets again. Silly kitty!
She does not play as much as she use to. I guess it is just too hot for her to want to do anything more than lay around and lick herself "clean". LOL! I do not blame her... I am doing about the same thing... laying around and trying to keep cool.

I gave this kitty one bath when we first got her because she was too young for the flea treatment and havent given her one since. I never gave my other cats baths either. I guess I assumed you aren't supposed to.

I gave up on summer a couple of weeks ago and packed away all my summer clothes and pulled out my winter ones. I think we probably had a total of 5 warm days and no spring at all. Weird weather all around this year.

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