My RD appt - inflammation markers update | Arthritis Information


Some of you may remember my previous posts about my inflammation numbers going way high and then dropping as I received treatment with Orencia (here's my old post:

Well at today's RD appt, I learned they've gone up again:
                            Apr     May      Jun       Jul      Aug      Sep
Sed rate (0-20)    58       47       79        32        36        58
CRP (0-4.9)         48.5    54.9    66.9     42.6     36.9     50.1
OK, so could someone tell me what the heck is going on?

I really like my new family practitioner.  As I recently went through my liver enzymes skyrocketing from MTX and my thyroid numbers heading south again (which they have been doing since 2004, pre-dx), she takes a wait and see attitude.  So, at the next testing period, the liver and thyroid again stabilized to normal.  I like her style, just a "let's watch these" and she was right, they recovered. 

If your rheumatologist is satisfied with these numbers and you are seeing results, your next appointment blood test numbers will be interesting.  They may go up, they may have gone down (hopefully). 

What did your rheumie tell you about these numbers today?  Take care and glad the swelling is down.  I always know as my rings slide around on my fingers.  LOL  Cathy

justsaynoemore2008-09-15 18:20:48

My RD didn't say much of anything and I think we're both at the "wait and see" stage.  I actually felt worse at the end of July and through August.  The swelling on my fingers has never gone down (still can't wear my engagement ring and my wedding ring is a tight fit) while my ankles have only really gone down in the last month (and there's still swelling there).  All of the results were taken at the same draw site by the same lab company, although I don't know if they process them at a number of different centers.

So nothing seems to explain or correlate here, and I'd be fine with waxing and waning, but it seems to me that these are too high and swinging around too much.

As far as how I feel, as I mentioned in my other post, I have seen some gradual improvement, but I haven't seen anything past that.  It's kind of like the aquatic PT...a 5% improvement.  And yes, 5% is better than nothing, but at what expense? 
                            Apr     May      Jun       Jul      Aug      Sep     Oct
Sed rate (0-20)    58       47       79        32        36        58      32
CRP (0-4.9)         48.5    54.9    66.9     42.6     36.9     50.1    27.5
The only thing that makes sense about the October numbers, despite the terrible pain I was in, is that I was taking a medrol (pred) pack at the time, and that may have lowered my numbers.
I'm getting my next infusion on Friday, a week early, before I got to Florida for a week.  I wonder what that will do to everything?
What about "time of month" considerations--was it consistently every 4 weeks?  Looks like it.  how frustrating!I've had low CRP of 10 (0-10) and been feeling things and CRP in the twenties and felt good.
I can't fathom out what is going on.

If I feel good, I feel good, the same for feeling off.
Bugger the numbers.

I must say that your numbers are still in the high's.
Innerglow - I just hope you have a great time in Florida!!!  The hot weather is breaking, and its wonderful winter weather.  Maybe that will help more than any medicine - a nice break in a warm, beautiful state. 