probiotic study! | Arthritis Information


Did we know about this?  They are recruiting:
No, I didn't know that, but as an advocate of probiotics I think it's awesome!

So, why would a study of probiotics be undertaken for RA patients?  The only reason I can think of is because they are looking into the DMARDS/AP ABX minocin?  It's kinda weird this has suddenly popped up - I haven't seen mainstream rheumatology get on the probiotic bandwagon, why now?JSNM, it might be because they're thinking maybe there's something to the leaky gut theory? I have no idea----just throwing that out there.
Possibly healthier gut=less disease activity.
I think gut health has a lot more to do with this stuff than anybody even suspects.We have non-AP peeps on AI who have started probiotics and all have reported (correct me if I'm wrong please) a decrease in pain levels.  It won't prevent a flare, but it will cut one - and MO - is it's because of the gut flora which have been depleted on many of our meds (and might even be the reason we get sick in the first place). 

There are a ton of probiotic studies on PubMed and many are looking at RA.  A good chunk are looking at liver function.  And the rest are associated diseases or 'weird' diseases that you wouldn't think would have a connection to the gut - ie Tay Sachs.
Interesting study.  I read yesterday that probiotics are used more in Europe than the U.S.   Sounds like Canada is interested too.If I don't have enough probiotics my guts start feeling all funny. I also eat pretty healthy food, you know, like organic brown rice and beans and vegetables, lot's of salads, fruit, oatmeal, and probiotic foods.

Last week one day I didn't eat any probiotics and I ate a prefab deep fried chicken patty with bacon, processed cheese, and some weird sauce on a white bun (NOT fast food---I ate it at a restaurant). I enjoyed it but after, ugh.....I had this painful lump in my intestines that I could feel slowly working it's way through my system. It took about 16 hours to get to the other end and I always knew where it was. NOT an experience I want to have again.

I forgot to say my point: you are what you eat.This is exciting - check out the primary outcome:
Primary Outcome Measures: Achieving an ACR20 with no safety issue - how cool is that?  And if they prove this, think how it could boost your meds.

I'm thinking maybe those leaky gut people are more on the right track than we give them credit for. Also, the elimination of gluten seems to help a lot of people with RA. Gluten damages the delicate cilia in your intestines.ahh.. good post!!
Pip! and I have discussed this a bit..
Can anyone explain to me why someone undergoing immunotherapy for RA would be excluded?  I'm not sure I really "get this"
Thank you for this post.
When we left for hurricane gustav, i forgot to bring my probiotics and then when we got home, it had been so long that i forgot i took them.
I have been going downhill and i bet it is because i don't have them.  I will order more today, thanks for the post, it was a great reminder for me.
