A complaint so I can move on with my day... | Arthritis Information


So my last day of prednisone was Sunday, and the swelling in my jaw is back.  Don't know if it will get as bad as before, but it took me forever to eat pasta last night and I wasn't able to chew my cereal this morning.  But I am not in horrible pain if I'm not chewing/talking (at the start it hurt just to swallow) and I was able to sleep okay (it was the kitten that kept me up!) But I have dentist on Sept 25, RD on Oct 3 and oral surgeon on Oct 14 (and they have me on their list to call if someone cancels).  I just need to be patient and take care of my jaw and stay positive.  Blarg. 

Thanks for letting me vent.  Time to work!!!!!!
Have you tried putting an ice pact on your jaw?  It may make you feel better and the swelling go down.  I've had it there also and got lock jaw so to speak.  I feel for you.  Try the ice pak.Katie; remind me what the surgery is about. I know you've talked about it....but I can't remember what's going on with that jaw. Is it RA related? Why is the dentist involved or is this a routine visit?
Mine was sore a few days last week and I though "Oh what a horrible area to be involved in this mess!" Luckily it passed without too much trouble. Might have even beem my wisdom tooth. I need to have them out....but have been delaying that as long as possible!
I am sorry about your pain. I don't have any suggestions, the jaw skin is so tender I don't know if using a topical is a good idea, and I assume you've tried both heat and ice. Maybe a topical on the back of the neck would help relax the muscles and give some relief.
I have had TMJ disorders in the past but the joint wasn't bothering me until 3 weeks ago, and it flared up really badly all at once.  I saw the dentist and he is as sure as he can be that it is RA.  He had me reschedule for after I had taken the 6 days of pred.  Well I was worried that it would just swell back up after those 6 days, and it has.  Hopefully it won't get as bad as it was.  I can't touch my molars together on my right side, and my ear feels clogged.  It hurts to chew.  It is a bit funny, I will admit, that I am battling a lisp because my teeth are in a different place and my tongue has not adjusted. 
It's super annoying but not so bad as it was weekend before last, when it hurt to swallow. 
I am a huge baby about applying ice.  I have raynauds and I hate cold of any form.  So I have been using one of those heated rice pack things at night, which has helped.  Some of my joints have flared and gotten better in the past, so I'm just trying to rest it and hope that this will go away!!!

And the surgery? Will that have to do with the TMJ?

Oh, I'm not anticipating surgery.  It was suggested once in the past, but I blew it off.  That was 11 years ago.  Hmm, maybe that was a mistake.  That was for TMJ disorders and because my jaw hadn't grown in right?  I dunno.
I am having trouble working now.  It feels like my tongue doesn't fit in my mouth, I think it is swollen, or my mouth, or both. I wonder if I have strep.  My throat doesn't hurt, but it never does.  I don't have a fever though.  It's probably all the swelling.  My lymph nodes feel swollen too.  I just want to lie down.  2 more hours...
Hope the doctor is able to rectify the situation for you with a medication change or addition. Best of luck- hope you feel better soon!what a terrible complication of all this!!  I'm sorry you're having this to deal with.. sounds horrible.
I have some slight aching in my jaw at times... and I have a dental appointment coming up that I am not looking forward to because holding my mouth open for the visit causes alot of discomfort for the following days....
I hope you find pain relief!!

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