Dr visit tomorrow | Arthritis Information


Tomorrow is my second visit with the new Dr. I am hoping that we can start trying to figure this all out and I am going to ask him to do an anti-CCP and x-rays. Something has to give, if my blood work is not gonna give away a Dx,  then we need to go father.

I am so frustrated and have been contemplating giving up because of the lack of a Dx, and I feel like a hypochondriac. I feel so bad and the few days I was on prednisone I felt so good, like a different person. I hope that gives him a hint about what is going on, since the steroids definitely made a difference in how I felt. My Bp and pulse rate also went down when I was on the Pred.

My knees hurt so bad last night I was in tears. Today it is my back and shoulders. Most days my wrists and ankles and feet are swollen, red,  and painful. I have had multiple falls. This is not normal for a healthy 28 yr old. All the blood work shows is a elevated SED and CRP, my RF was 11 and anything below 13 is considered normal.
Good Luck! And let us know how it all goes.

Sorry about your knees hurting so bad and your back and shoulders and wrists and ankles and feet. Oh and anything else that hurts.
Man some days seems like everything hurts, including your nose! I swear.... I have had sharp pains in the bridge of my nose when I was flaring bad about 3 years ago. Yep...
That sounds horrible, but it also made me giggle a little.
I feel your pain, literally.  During my flares, my knees were so swollen and hurt so bad that I couldn't walk, literally could not walk.  My fiancee' had to carry me to the toilet.  My RF was way up there so I know I have RA and have been dealing with numerous meds for about 8 months now.  All I can say is don NOT give up, something will turn up, eventually.I take it that they haven't done an arthrosentesis (I think that's what it's called) A needle and syringe to aspirate an affected joint. I hear it may alleviate some pressure and gives the Dr a sample to test to make sure there isn't any infection or gout causing you grief.
I've had biopsies done on bumps but no removing of fluid.

Has anyone else had this done, any success?

I haven't had that done, but they did rule out gout...hrmmm

I am not a big fan of needles.
Be aware that an x-ray may show no signs of RA if you haven't had it very long.  No Audrey, I haven't had it done but it was suggested by my rheumy if the prednisone didn't get it, which thankfully it did.  Good luck at the dr. Jenni! Keep pursuing- you'll get your answers. Hope you feel better soon!

Just so you know~fluid drawn from my swollen knee was a big factor in my sero negative dx.  It had a really high white count with no infection (if I remember right).  I have an aversion to needles as well so I understand why you wouldn't want this done.  But it might be worth it, ya know?

I may ask about it but I am not sure I want to do it unless it is a last resort for a Dx it sounds excruciatingly painful to me.  When I had mine done I was in the hospital because every joint in my body (except my jaw) was crazy swollen.  I was on IV dilaudid plus what ever local they gave me.   And I had this doctor who was so careful not to let it hurt.  She went soooo slowly that I hardly felt anything at all.  But I don't think it usuallly goes that way, I just lucked out with that doctor.  You can see it being done on youtube though.  Yup, people actually record having their knees aspirated.  And no, it's not pretty. I've had it done several times and it's not as bad as you think .  Sounds worse than it actually is.

Now, if prednisone relieved your symptoms, that is a good indicator to the doctor that you have RA.  I've been sero-negative for many years and that was one way at the very beginning and again when I changed doctors, that they diagnosed me.  Good luck tomorrow.
I don't understand why some doctors are reluctant to make a dx.I hope you get some answers.  I am 31 with 2 small I like I am 90 most days!!  My 80 year old grandpa gets around better than I do.  Keep us posted on how your appointment goes.  Good Luck!!!I had my chiropractor take my hands/wrists xrays at DX, one year, two years, since the ex-rheumy didn't think about it - and he sent them out for a radiologist to read (and the films were perfect by the way buckeye).
No damage after two years with xrays.  But I also asked for hand/wrist MRIs at the same time, and it showed moderate to severe damage - mostly from osteoarthritis, not RA LOL.  The RA was only showing up in the synovial fluid in the wrists.  I am now in night splints, still doing my hand exercises from OT, and my hands and wrists are improving. 
Good-luck.  Stick to your guns about getting the tests.  It just drives me crazy that some doctors do the basic tests and it's like"oh well, i don't know whats wrong with you."  The CCP should always at least be in the second line of tests.
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