sulfasalazine | Arthritis Information


Hi all, I've had to come off Plaquenil due to a deterioration in my visual fields.  My Rheumy has put me on sulfasalazine, I was just wondering what kind of side effects I might get from this, any feedback would be appreciated, thanks.

Good Luck. Hope it works well for you.
Hi May -
Sulphsalazine is a really, really, really weak antibiotic - kind of like a poor cousin that's 3 times removed.  You really need to be on a probiotic.  You might Google "sulphsalazine and probiotic" and you'll hit a lot of info.
I've been taking sulfasalazine for a few years now.  The only thing I noticed when I started it was frequent headaches.  But when I increased my water intake, the headaches stopped. 
Good Luck!
I tried it once and was never able to work my up to the normal dosage.  I had terrible stomach cramps from it.  