Remicade and dizziness | Arthritis Information


Well I feel really selfish as I don't seem to take the time to visit this Forum when I'm not in need of your help.   But here I am again asking for more guidance, and can only promise to make an effort to get back more often and assist others if I can.
I have been on monthly Remicade for about 18 months now.  They just put me up to the maximum dose last month.  My first infusion on the max dose went absolutely fine in terms of the day I got my infusion. 
My concern is that today I received my second infusion at the maximum does and the room started to spin on me right after the bag emptied, and it kept on spinning for longer than they expected.  They were monitoring my BP of course.  It was around 140/82 if I remember correctly.  The had to give me meds (one pill under tongue, and an injection) for an allergic reaction, and they monitored me for another two hours before they would let me go.  But the meds they gave to rid the dizziness made me drowsy so they made me call my husband to pick me up, and would not let me go to work.
Prognosis = allergic reaction.  Add two over the counter meds (Loratadine and Ranatidine).  I understand these are a standard allergy and gastrointestinal upset OT meds.  (Just what I wanted....MORE PILLS!)  I am to take them 3 days before and after infusion.
Anyone ever experienced this before?  If so, was it handled the same as my experience?
I have never heard of dizziness as an alergic reaction.It's been a while since I've been on remicade.  The nurses would monitor my blood pressure throughout the infusion but I was fortunate and never had any reactions.  Some folks that did, were given the infusion at a slower rate and some given, I think, benydryl.  Good luck to you, I hope they can administer it without you having a reaction.  Take care.
