Cyclosporine | Arthritis Information


Does anyone have any experience with cyclosporine?  I need the good, the bad, and the ugly on it.  Have done my internet research on it and now want real life experiences on it. 

Have had to lower my dose of plaquenil from 400mgs daily to 200mgs daily due to side effects Glad to hear your daughter is feeling well! Wish you were too! So sorry you deal with such pain on a regular basis!

I think I have taken that drug for some kind of infection a long time ago- but I'm sure the circumstances would be different with using it as a maintenance drug.
Good luck with it!
I wish I had information for you!  It sounds like you are battling hard and focusing on the positive.  Hang in there!Liz- you have to be careful if you have blood pressure problems, it is used for organ transplant rejections, i know someone who is on it but as long as you are monitored well you should be okay. It can cause some nausea and rashes but things react differently in different people. Im sure you will be fine. Glad that Danielle is doing so well
I ran across cyclosporine while researching Imuran, another drug for suppressing implant rejection, and probably don't know any more than you've already learned on line.  I do seem to remember it's a "bigger gun" then Imuran.  I guess what I really want to say is that I'm sorry you're having so much pain but I was cheered to hear about your daughter's success.  I'm sure if you had to choose, you'd have her be the one who's well.  Now, you're next.  Let's take care of you.
I agree Jesse, now it is Momma's turn to go into remission! Great news about your daughter's health, that really makes me happy and I bet you and hubby are very relieved. That has to do wonders for your stress. Now rest, rest, rest....
