Does any1 else recognise these symptoms? | Arthritis Information


I have at the moment what my doc and rhuemy have described at the onset of RA.  However, I have only as recently as last year found out that my mother suffers terribly from fibromyalgia and lupus. I have looked both up on net and there symptoms- I was able to highlight most of them.  Freezing cold fingers with mild tingling, rahes on tops of legs and torso and the major discomfort of itchy bottom of legs tha I cannot bring myself to stop scratching- only alcohol or T.C.P MILDLY take the itch away (the alcohol used as topically as a lotion!)  The bottom of my legs are now scarred due to uncontrolable scratching.  I have taken list to G.P and told of family history and have undergone some kind of strand D.N.A test which turned out negative.  My mother informed me that just because the results may be negative this doesn't mean I am not a sufferer- can any1 relate to this?  I have also been informed that there is no medical test that can be done to test for fibromyalgia- does any1 know differently?  All of my queries to medical professionals seem to be getting swept under the carpet and I class this forum as a possible chink of light.  Forgive me if my medical terminolgy is not as up to scratch as a lot of others on this site.  Many thanks Hi Andie

I have only recently been dxd with fibro so I am floundering around trying to find some answers myself.  After two years of pain I was dxd with polymyalgia rhematica in July of 07 but was able to fight that one off only to end up with fibro.  The way the rheumatologist diagnosed it was the points on the hips, knees, breast bone and a couple of others I can't remember right now. (I think there are 18 points)  I have had the itching down my spine and legs but nothing like you are describing.  I am in severe pain 95% of the time and there does not seem to be any relief from it.  Maybe because I am still tapering off of the prednisone they will not give me anything for the pain. 
I sure hope you are able to get some answers because the stress of not knowing what is going on does add to the problem.
Lots of luck and let me know how you make out.  Sorry I couldn't be of much help.
TeedOff2008-09-18 14:48:07Any help is of much use.  Seem to be getting more help and information in 3 days of using this site/these forums than in the 3 years of medical help.  It obviously does help to discuss these things with people that are or have at some point suffered the same things rather than just going through a G.P that has a medical book and 6 years of training behind them but no previous personal experience.  Some advice (in a nice way for you), never apologise for trying to help some1 out.  The information you give might not be the answer to their prayers but at least you are divulging some information that could save a lot of heart ache.  Take care and thank you once again.  P.S.  In same situation as you whereby my rhuemy asked me if was suffering along my hips, although knees and breast bone are prob areas for me that seem to be being shrugged off- so thanx for that.  Take care.I use a wonderful herbal organic essential oil spray that kills my pain.  It was available for awhile at ProHealth.  Then I couldn't get it anymore.  Then I found it again.
The spray is called O24 Fibromyalgia.  I just love it.  I spray it on my skin where my pain is and within 10-15 minutes, I can feel the pain decreasing.  It has such wonderful properties.  There is nothing in it but seven essential oils.
If you want to check it out, they sell sampler towelette box for about .80.  You can find it at ZoneO24 .  If you decide you want to buy a box of towelettes or a bottle of spray, be sure to use the promotion code BOISE because it will get you 10% off.
Hope this helps you out.  It sure helped me!!!!!!  I have fibro can tell you a bit about that -- or at least what I experienced.  My doctor said the same thing -- no bonafide test for fibro; however, the rheumy did a point test and diagnosed my condition.  I wasn't convinced, but the funny thing was if I took the fibro medicine, I was fairly normal.  If I didn't it started all over again.  It took me three times coming off the meds before I was actually convinced that I really must have fibro.  Mine was widespread pain -- especially behind my knees and at certain cirular points on my legs.  I ignored it and eventually my foot and toes went numb.  THAT's when I went to the doctor.  I had never heard of such a thing as fibro, but I certainly know about it now.  Ironically, when I was diagnosed, my mother had passed three months prior which was very traumatic for me since she lived with me and was handicapped herself.  I stayed home to care for her 24-7.  It was devastating when I lost her.  They believe that the trauma from the loss of my mother triggered the fibro.  As for the itching, I do have mild itching at times, but I thought it was just dry skin or whatever.  I certainly don't itch to the degree that you do.  Have they checked your liver enzymes?  I know that liver problems cause the skin to itch.  Just something to think about when you go to the doc next time.  Of course, he may have already ruled that out with bloodtests.  I hope you get better and they figure out what is causing the itching as I'm sure that must be miserable.  I think that the alcohol would dry your skin out and may be making you itch even more though.  Just a thought.
Take care and good luck.
Hi Andie,
I got diagnosed with fibro and OA several years ago and then 5 years ago with RA. Now I have added Sjogren's syndrome,  degenerative disk disease, hypertension, and skin cancer. Often the autoimmune diseases occur together. There is a tendency to have allergies and drug sensitivities too as well as IBS. Whatever coexisting conditions are causing your problems, a lot of medications and therapies overlap with the conditions. I assume you are seeing a good rheumatologist. That is really important . What helps me is daily doing an exercise program laid out by my physical therapist, warm baths at night, making sure I eat right-lots of veggies and fruits  and omega 3 foods like salmon and tuna, cutting down on sugar and red meats. I pace myself. The fatigue is a big problem. I had to do early retirement on disability, but now I am writing and illustrating children's books at my own pace and loving it. My editor has RA too. I don't try to stay up late and I have cut way back on travel and other demands that put me in stressful situations. I can do almost anything if I do it in small doses and don't stress my joints. There are so many assistive devices out there. As for the itching, you might try Cetaphil after a warm bath. It helps me and also keeps my nails from splitting. Good luck, Linda
