Dr Appts... do they ever STOP?! | Arthritis Information


Well... I called all my DR's I have been procrastinating on getting appts for or even seeing when my appt is. Just do not like going to Dr's. Seems they are always finding something wrong or doing more tests.

So all next week my week is chalked full of Dr appts. I was so hoping they could not get me in for at least another month on most of them, but NO!! They had openings immediately.
the 23rd, neurologist appt. 24th RD appt. 25th bubble test.
Man.... that is just too much LOL!
Then people wonder why I procrastinate in making appts LOL! They always get clumped together in the same week. One time I had 2 on the same day! LOL! Of course, I missed one of them. I think i would rather have them all in the same week or even day as then its all over with together. We wait un to 3 months for appointments here so to have them all together like tht would be heavenI feel the same way. Not only did I have rheumy, I have labs every month, Gyn appointment, and cardiologist in the next 2 weeks. Last week I was thrilled thinking that I would have this week free of appointments, then I got a call reminding me of my dental cleaning on Tuesday. Urg...it never ends. I'm broke paying for all of the co-pays on specialist appointments and meds.Don't start me on appointmets! my record is having one appointment changed 5 times so my March appointment ended up being in July - they even tried to fob me off with October. So being able to call and get offered a job lot in the following week would suit me fine.
Joonie, just pack a picnic hamper and a duvet and move in - there must be one gorgeous on-call doctor there that you could roomy with for a weekjoonie, i know , i think we all get sick of them..
but.. like pin cushion said, in the UK, it takes ages to get appts..
  Its hard, but I think we all have to look at it as a real blessing~
  Yesterday, and past wk, have been in such pain, my worker came over, so I was able to go to my Dr.. get
a cortisone shot, I LOVE those, right in the butt.. plenty of fat back there, so they don't hurt!!
Plus, other meds, I needed...
  Actually, my Rhem Dr, i look forward to, bc I know i'm going to get some help.. and anything for the pain and extra knowledge, encouragement, or feeling
validated... I like knowing that my bloodwork shows i'm all swollen, inflamed, lol.. bc i look "fine".. it just
makes me feel better... weird, but how it is..
So, sometimes, if we can flip it and be grateful.. it helps... but I do understand your frustration!!
I really do! Sometimes, it just seems too much, on top of everything else..
Good luck!
Blessings and less pain~
  oh yeah ps: i've been avoiding the dentist for ages.. and other appts, so see, i'm not that great.. so applaud yourself , for getting out there and doing it!~
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