Your ALLERGIES??~ DAIRY~ rough wk | Arthritis Information


hi guys,

this has been a really bad bad wk.. in more pain, then in a loooong time.
Went to the Dr, bc hurting sooo bad, got a cortisone shot, they usually help.
 ?.. when i had a massage, in July,  the guy who gave it said dairy & wheat were bad for me. ( He also had certificates in Reiki and accupunture.. if he wasn't 3,000  miles away, i'd be there.. well not today, lol)..
Anyway, bc of my weight, i've been trying to keep it low cal and soo, i've been having cereal a lot, this last wk.. (Not the rice milk, he recommended, sigh)
just reg ole non fat... and i'm puffed up , and hurting really bad..
sooo could dairy be doing this/?
i think subconsciously one of the reasons, i did have a lot of cereal this wk, w/ milk, bc was wondering if
what he said was true...seems to be
and I also love pork, and i know after eating that, i get really sick..
So what are You , other friends who have RA allergic to?... Do you think its that.. thats gotta be my best guess, just wanted some validation, tho, lol, i think my body has pretty much told me!!!
anyone else love hot rice w/  sugar and milk?
Thanks for listening
ohhh duh, rest of story, forgot, duh moment.. could also be.. carried an 8 ft, 5 ft "lightweight" iron couch, into my apt...  so see thats why i'm not certain its the dairy....that was a wk ago too...(just one other guy helping me.... I never do stuff like that, but had to have the couch!!!)
right now Vicodin is my best friend!~
sorry you're hurting, whispered.  sounds like you could havr a dairy allergy.  you could always test again when youre feeling better.
i don't have any known allergies.  i feel for those who do though.  my poor mom is allergic to lots of stuff.  ive seen the msery of it.  i wonder how long itll take for yours to wear off.  hope not too long.
Allergy testing like anything else you must be free of prednisone and anthystamines for it to test accurately.
I do hope you feel better. I hope you are not flaring.
