NSAIDS without food | Arthritis Information


Forgive me for my lack of proper medical terminology as far as AI (antiinflammitories- or NSAIDs) are concerned- or anything else for that matter!  Am still trying to get my head around the condition(s) (as lupus, fybromyalgia and Reynauds Disease are also being questioned.)  Does any1 know what the 1st signs are of stomach damage due to taking NSAIDs on an empty stomach as I am guilty of doing this over the past 12-18 months?  Thanks heaps.
First sign is i think you die because your stomache explodes. You should eat a little more probably. Get some Mylanta for the weekend and call your doctor Monday if that does not help.If you can tolerate dairy get some yogurt. Hi Andie,
I've had RA for 31 years.  I was on naprosyn (2 250mg tabs a day) for maybe 25 years ?(i should have kept a diary)  I no longer take naprosyn after developing acid reflux/stomach problems.  (but I'm okay now)
Let's see, symptons -- sorta an upset stomach, maybe a burning sensation, burping, a bloated feeling.  Its been a while.
Definitely take food, something sorta starchy, bread, cereal, potato, rice, you have to sorta try different stuff.  Maybe watch or avoid coffee, alcohol, soda when you take NSAIDS.  Don't lie down for 30 minutes after taking NSAIDS, guess cuz it might irritate your esophagus or something.  Also, I'd try to take it a few hours before going to sleep.  You might discuss all this with your doc or pharmacist.
There are other meds, over the counter and prescription, that you can take to minimize stomach problems while taking NSAIDS.  Discuss w/doc or pharmacist.
NSAIDS can also affect your stomach, yet show no symptons.  You could have bleeding, that might show up in labwork.
I was able to take naprosyn for  several years with no problem, though I know some people that couldn't take it all, though of course it would depend on dose, its prescribed at higher doses sometimes.
Anyways, are you having symptons now?  If not, well, take care and be well.
The stomach damage is basically a peptic ulcer.  According to the www.mayoclinic.com's information on Peptic ulcer, the symptoms most likely are:


Burning pain is the most common peptic ulcer symptom. The pain is caused by the ulcer and is aggravated by stomach acid coming in contact with the ulcerated area. The pain typically may:

Less often, ulcers may cause severe signs or symptoms such as:

This isn't anything to ignore.  Talk to your doctor if you are experiencing issues, and start eating food before taking the NSAIDS in the future.
Hope this helps. 
I've never heard that you shouldn't lay down for 30 minutes after taking an NSAID. How about Advil PM? That's got IUB in it. Lovie,
I had been taking naprosyn for years, started to have some stomach problems, and happened to read the drug fact sheet that comes with one's meds.  And, it said not to lie down for 30 minutes after taking naprosyn.
I thought, ah-haa.  It was June and the days were hot, so I'd wait until late in the day to work in my garden.  I would have a late dinner, a light dinner as I was trying to diet, take my pills and then would lie down, cuz I'd be tired from working in the yard.  I started to have a painful, burning sensation in the middle of my chest.  I thought it was my heart!  Turned out to be acid reflux and stomach, I went on some drugs to counter the effects of naprosyn, but eventually stopped naprosyn as I was getting good results w/mtx and enbrel.
The med I take for osteoporosis also has instructions not to lie down for 30 minutes after taking it.  I'm guessin' these types of meds are hard on the stomach so you want to make sure they make it down the ole esophagus into the stomach and start to get digested before lying down.
You should check with your doc or pharmacist though, or maybe, Jasmine, will pop in, she's more knowledgeable about medications.
Take care, be well.
I've heard that on the commercial for fosamax or one of those; but never about NSAIDS. Good to know. [QUOTE=Lovie]I've never heard that you shouldn't lay down for 30 minutes after taking an NSAID. How about Advil PM? That's got IUB in it. [/QUOTE]

Advil PM is only intended for short-term use - 10 days or less. This product contains a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), which may cause stomach bleeding. The chance is higher if you: are age 60 or older
have had stomach ulcers or bleeding problems
take a blood thinning (anticoagulant) or steroid drug
take other drugs containing an NSAID [aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, or others]
have 3 or more alcoholic drinks every day while using this product
take more or for a longer time than directed

Thanks for all your replies.  Am at minute on Rhumalgan SR 75mg and have lately been experiencing heartburn which havn't had since 3 pregnancies (last 1 was 4 and half years ago).  Know that's not to blame this time as would be crowned the next Mary Magdoline- This is good info. Thanks guys. I've taken Advil PM at all; I was just curious about the warnings. I do however take IUB at 800mg on a fairly regular basis depending on how I feel. My doctor wanted to prescribe a prescription strength NSAID, but I like to take OTC IUB because I can control the amount easier. Sometimes I try to get by with less and that's easier with the smaller dose tablets. Works the same in higher doses if nessesary....but it isn't always.
I have a cabinet full of prescription pain relief but I won't take any of it unless I don't have to drive or be alert at work. So I can only take that stuff at night or weekends when I don't have to drive anywhere.
Thanks for the info guys.
I developed acid reflux disease after taking Naprosyn for a couple years.  Symptoms besides heart burn were pain and tenderness in the upper abdomen.  Endoscopy revealed stomach damage which included "grooves" in my stomach lining.  The doctor told me later that, because of my symptoms, he had suspected stomach cancer!  I've been on Prevacid ever since.  Discontinued naprosyn, sadly; it had really helped with arthritis pain.
You should never take medications on an empty stomach, unless specifically directed to do so.  I didn't, but even WITH food, damage still happened.

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