Here's a wierd one for ya | Arthritis Information


My lips have been peeling for a couple of months now.  They are not chapped but they are rough and peeling all the time.  I am loosing a lot of hair too  hope you find answer.Those two symptoms/side effects were what I had on Accutane.  Maybe if you could find out why Accutane does that to you, it would help you figure it out?  I'm sorry, I remember how that was and hope it gets better!  

Do you notice any changes in your skin in other areas of your body?
Go see a doctor. And take some vitamin C. I have no idea. But vitamin C helped me with skin peeling on my hands. Maybe something you took in the past is causing the hair loss. Don't people go through cycles where their hair falls out more? Thanks!  I will read about the Accutane.  I don't even know what that is.  Thanks, Milly, I will take some Vit C while I'm at it too
Lovie, Lily is so cute.  That pic always makes me smile.  I wish mine would let me put a sweater on them.
Oh lordy I've been dealing w/peeling lips since April. I also have some dry patches on my forehead and cheeks. H had some cream from his dermatologist that I used (desonide?) and it seems to do the trick. Every 7 years or so your body goes through changes, and yes, you can loose extra hair during this time. Also, everyone looses 100-150 hairs a day anyway. Could it be that your hair is longer and it is catching in the shower drain more, so you are noticing it more? I'm a hairdresser and that is what I tell clients all of the time.
I hope that is what it is for you.
And for the peeling lips....hmmm...lip balm? Not sure what else to tell ya with that.
Hi Deb,
No, it is pretty bad.  I really don't think it is just a cycle of more hair loss.  When I wash my hair and rinse the shampoo out a lot of hair is in my hand (A LOT) and it is a lot on the drain catcher too.  My hair is about shoulder length.  I don't have any bald spots but my hair has become so thinned out that it hurts my scalp when I brush it.  This morning my husband said he was worried that I am loosing so much hair.  We are going to have to pay for the ppo so I can get my old pcp back.  I better do it quickly Whats a ppo and a ppc?
Also what meds did you take and how long ago?
Pam, this could be a form of a yeast infection. Have you had any type of yeast infection lately, such as thrush or a vaginal infection? please look into this and probiotics could certainly not hurt. get one that is refrigerated. also consider something that you are eating, maybe an allergic type reaction. go see a doctor.I'd look into your diet. That sort of stuff fairly screams either auto-immune/allergy or nutritional deficiency. Perhaps both.  milly  pcp is primary care physician. 
Thanks Lorster and Mab, for your replies.  I am going to upgrade the ins so I can see my old Dr and a new rheumy.
