Arthritis Information -Burning hands, aching joints


I have had aching joints since I was a teenager.  It was mostly in the form of TMJ, at the age of 24 I injured my finger and have had pain in my hands and wrists ever since. Since about the age of 30 pretty much every joint in my body has ached.  In the last ten years (I am 48 now), my leg, sometimes the right, sometimes the left, has given out on me and caused me to fall.  Three years ago I was a pedestrian and was hit by a car. My face hit her windshiled breaking my nose, breaking four of my front teeth oute (they were replaced by implants), and giving me a concussion requiring stitches in my head. I was knocked unconscious.  I now have sever stabbing pains in the back and right side of my head. Everytime my allergies act up there is intense pain in my face around the implant area and nose.  For the last year I have been experience severe burning sensations in my hands, cramping in my feet to the point I can't sleep. I often feel as if I am in a fog and can't think clearly. I always worry that I have a brain tumor or something because of my inability at times to think. I have no insurance and the only thing I know is that a free blood test I had said I was extremely low in iron. One time, a rheumatologist told me that he thought I had fibromyalgia. My oldest daughter was dianosed with rheumatoid arthritis at the age of 26. My son has had joint pain since he was 13, my 16 year old daughter has had TMJ since she was about 13. Any ideas on what might be wrong, or what I can do to get my life back.  The pain and burning is getting intolerable.