Take Action Now-Arthritis Bill mark-up tomorrow | Arthritis Information


From the Arthritis Foundation...
Take Action Now!
Arthritis Bill to Be Marked up in Committee Tomorrow!

Take Action!

Call Today to Support the Arthritis Bill!

We wanted you to be the first to know that the Arthritis Prevention Control and Cure Act, HR 1283 (a revised, bi-partisan version) is scheduled for mark up tomorrow, September 23 before the House Energy and Commerce Committee. 
The Arthritis Foundation has been working closely with our Congressional sponsor and champion, Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-CA), to address concerns and reach consensus with other members of the Committee.  At this point in time, although the bill has been formally 'noticed' (at the above link) there are still ongoing negotiations to avoid a non-arthritis controversial amendment that may be offered.   
This is the first piece of bi-partisan comprehensive arthritis legislation in more than 30 years.  The Arthritis Foundation, through its volunteers and staff throughout the nation, and in Washington DC has been fighting for this bill for over 5 years.  As an arthritis advocate, you have been instrumental in helping to build support for this bill through your tireless efforts at letting your Member of Congress know how important it is to support this bill.  THANK YOU!
This legislation, if enacted, will improve research and public health for adults and children with arthritis and it will help reduce the treatment barriers for children with arthritis.  The bill still requires House passage which is not guaranteed due to the limited days Congress is in session – we will be alerting our grassroots and our Arthritis Ambassadors to ensure action is taken before Congress adjourns for the year.  We will be working closely with our Congressional sponsor, Anna Eshoo to make a strong push to ensure the bill is scheduled for floor action before final adjournment and have been in continuous contact with our Senate sponsors with a corresponding strategy.  Although we still have hurdles to overcome before the President signs this bill into law, we will be making significant progress tomorrow. 

In order to ensure “smooth sailing” at the Committee “mark-up” on Tuesday, please call your Member of Congress and urge support of the Arthritis Prevention Control and Cure Act, HR 1283 without any controversial amendments in Tuesday’s mark-up.  

  • State your name and where you are calling from
  • Ask to speak to the Health Legislative Assistant or leave a message for him/her with the following
  • Please ask for the Member of Congress to either support or to ask an Energy and Commerce Committee Member to support the arthritis bill, HR 1283 without any controversial amendments in Committee mark-up tomorrow!

Thank you!

InnerGlow2008-09-22 09:09:08THanks for the post!!!!!  IG - sweet.  I can pull a few elected official tricks out of my hat, and am calling tomorrow.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed, well at least mentally, cause my hands hurt!
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