Pain in Hips | Arthritis Information


I have been having pain in my left hip after walking, this has been going on and getting worse for about a month or so. It's also stiff in the a.m. or after prolonged sitting.  Today my right hip has decided to join the party.  Should I just assume that this is RA and call my rheumy?  Up until now my RA symptoms were limited to my feet, hands, wrists and shoulders, and MTX seems to be keeping it under control in those joints, so if it's RA wouldn't my hips also be helped by the MTX? I read that only 10-15% of RA patients have hip involvement, so I'm thinking this is something else.    Could those of you with hip pain please tell me what it feels like, where exactly and when it hurts, etc.?  Mine seems to originate deep in the hip and it is sore to touch it at the side of my hip (where it sticks out most) and a point in back where the cheek meets the leg.  I tried walking at lunch today and was limping after 10 minutes.  NSAIDS aren't doing much so I guess I need to call a doc.   My PCP is no help, they said to call an orthopedist.  Thanks in advance for any advice,

Andrea the pain you have described is more likely to be muscle or other soft tissue pain or even pain referring from the back  Hip joint pain is felt in the groin area. 
See if your PCP will refer you to physical therapy...The muscle stretching and strengthening they can help you with will do wonders
I would call your rheumatologist.  He/she can probably recommend a good orthopedic doc and/or physical therapy.  In the meantime, have you tried a heating pad or ice pack?  I always keep a heating pad and ice packs at work just in case. Sounds like you may have bursitis.  You should see your doctor.Well, I have the pain in the groin area as well as other areas around the hip area, my rheumy said it was the RA.I've had it both areas and I'm sure it's the RA.I have the same exact pain in my hips. Burns like crazy when I'm in bed..constantly switching back and forth during the night. My rhumy told me it was bursitis.
Aleve will sometimes help it...or switching between heat/ice.
I'm sure PT would help, but I'm just about done paying off my last PT bill and I don't want another one!
I had a lot of pain in my left hip after walking and had it checked out and was told that I had Iliotibial Band Syndrome. Which is a thick band of fibrous tissue that runs down the outside of the leg. It used to shorten when I walked and the pain in my hip was terrible. You will be able to find the stretches on the net just google it in.....its worth a try before you see the doc....hope this helps....Annie
How long have you had RA?  How often do you see your RA doc?  I would check in with the RA doc.  If I recall correctly, if you're having RA related hip problems, the pain should be in front part of your hip.
Cuz, I had active RA in other joints, I wasn't too aware of what was going on with my hips.  I had this grinding, creaking sound which I thought was my knees, but it was my hips.
Your RA doc should be able to determine if its soft tissue (muscles, tendons, etc) or the hip joint.  An x ray is an inexpensive way to see if there is joint damage.  Whatever the source of pain your RA doc should be able to treat it, with additional RA meds, a cortisone shot, or something else.
Good luck, hope the hitch in your get-a-long, gits fixed and you're feelin' better soon.  Take care.
I have/had hip pain for a couple of years. It's not bad now but one time it was really sore and I could hardly walk,, move,, etc. I went to rd and he said it was bursitis. He gave me a cortizone shot in each hip and it last for a couple of months. Now after walking a long ways, it acts up. Yours could be lots of things. Get it cked out.
Get on the phone!
keep us posted!

I've had unbearable pain in my right hip. I went to my pcp, rheumy, pt, etc and finally they sent me to an ortho and turns out I completely tore my labrum. Only two surgeons do this arthroscopically and one was here in the state we live, but turns out he doesn't take our insurance, so it will be full scale hip surgery some day...


I've had unbearable pain in my right hip. I went to my pcp, rheumy, pt, etc and finally they sent me to an ortho and turns out I completely tore my labrum. Only two surgeons do this arthroscopically and one was here in the state we live, but turns out he doesn't take our insurance, so it will be full scale hip surgery some day...


Have you tried to appeal to your insurance company?  They can and do make exceptions to their in network/out of network policies especially if there are not many doctors or hospitals that can perform a procedure.  Would the arthroscopic procedure be cheaper than regular hip surgery (both surgery cost and recovery/rehab)?  If so, that could be a compelling argument for them to consider.
FYI Owie - I think you mean something different as a labrum is your shoulder.
Defintely call the doc.  There are lots of possibilities.  And yes, RA can affect all joints.  You may typically feel it in certain joints (wrists, fingers, ankles) but it can flare in others at any time.  I had a flare once that affected every joint except my jaw and spine (toes, ankels, knees, hips, shoulders, elbows, wrists, fingers).  My husband had to help me dress, bath and then drive me to work each day.  So can affect the hips.  Call your doc.I have had both pains, in both hips.   For a couple of years I had gradually increasing pain in my left hip.  It was an achy pain and hurt when I lay on my side.  After a couple of MRI's it was shown to be a huge bursitis, wrapped around the top of the hip bone.  I had that removed in April and it has been great since then.  About 2 months ago I started getting rapidly increasing groin pain, pain in my thigh and knee and even butt cheek, pain on walking and loss of movement in my right hip.  Xrays have shown Osteoarthritis and I am having an MRI in a few weeks to see if there is an inflammatory component to it.  Thats what happened to my knees,  Osteo made much worse by RA very quickly.  Presently I can hardly walk without a cane and this has all come on in a matter of weeks.  I can't do socks and shoes on my right side and getting up of chairs is really painful. 
What I'm trying to say is that they are both very different pains, but can all be in some way related to our RA.   See your Dr and get some Xrays,  whatever  is causing your pain hopefully the cause can be found and you can get some kind of relief.
Thank you all so much for sharing your experiences, I knew I could get good info here.  But I'm also sorry that so many of you have this pain.  I guess it's clear I need to call my doc.  Since the PCP is not interested and I don't know a good ortho, I will call my RD today. 
Joy to answer your question, I was diagnosed with early RA in March although my symptoms started in July 2007,  it is not severe and as I said the MTX seems to work fine except for my hips.  Jas, I have been using hot baths and a heating pad since this started, they help as long as I don't try walking too far. I have not yet tried icing it, it just seems like it would not be pleasant, I'm always cold anyway, but I'm willing to give it a try. 
In researching hip pain I came up with bursitis as well as piriformis syndrome and ITBS, I have some symptoms of all of these. It's a drag because I really like to walk on my treadmill, it helps with depression and keeps my weight in control, but with this pain I have had to stop walking and have gained 5 pounds already.  My next appt. with rheumy is in December but I will call to see if I can go in sooner. 
I also wanted to ask, has anyone seen a chiropractor for hip pain? It feels like my pelvis and legs are out of alignment when I walk, my left foot points out to the side a little and everything just feels "crooked".  Plus my left knee and sometimes my foot have been making annoying clicking/popping noises.   I've never been to a chiropractor but thought if I could find a good one it might help...anyway thanks again for all the responses, I don't post much but I visit every day, this site has been invaluable.  

No Debra,  Do some research, you also have labrum around the entire hip joint, no doubt about it. My ortho is the best of the best. (he just isn't the one who does the surgery arthroscop.) darn...

I have the same pain you have described. My RD said is is from the RA. Talk to your Dr about it. I hope you feel better soon. Hugs.
I have hip pain.. but I feel it deep where the ball is in the socket.. It hurts alot if I do some  bending over (laundry.. picking up things.. gardening)  and it doesn't have to be much either!!
too many stairs can aggravate it..
