Joonie??? You OK? | Arthritis Information


Joonie has not posted for a few days...and that is not at all like her!   I hope all is well with her and her Mom.

BUMP.................Joonie come out from your hiding place.....
I am here. Just been having insomnia really bad the pass week. So... I have been watching movies on the internet. I was checking in on ya'll, but did not feel up to posting, because my brain was "dead", from lack of sleep.
My mom is doing GREAT! I just got back from visiting her tonight. She is getting around so GOOD and she looks and sounds like herself. Just that she has a walker infront of her when she walks... kinda odd to see that. Her incision is starting to heal up a little. She has a wound vac attached to it, and it is helping it to heal. She has also been took off most of her meds that she was put on after her bypass surgery. So... she is feeling spunky and not tired all the time now. She has been going to town with my sister, and she even went to one of my Great nephews baseball games!
Thanks for thinking of me and my mommy!
Hope all is well with everyone!