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I'm scheduled to have my tubes tied. I've been putting it off for 4 years, so it's about time.

I called my RD to see if I have to stop any of my meds before my surgery, and she said no.
I was a bit concerned being on the MTX, that maybe that may be an issue with healing or possible infection. Has anyone ever had surgery while on it? Was there any complications because of it? I know it's only minor day surgery but it would be my luck that there would be a problem.
Thanks everyone!!
I do not have an answer for you. I was not on MTX when i had my tubes tied. I was talking to my sister and she recently had an ovary removed. They did not tell her that when they pump you full of gas that it makes you have bad shoulder pain after the surgery for about a day or maybe two. So just wanted to let you know so you would not need to be confused about that.

Hi Deb. I never had a problem at all, I went in had it done and felt a bit icky for a couple of hours afterwards and slept like a baby, i felt like i hd very mild period pains the next day and that was it. I was on MTX but stopped it of my own free will, ask the Surgeon who is doing the op his/her opinion. Some Drs are funny about it.

Good luck and take care



I have one of those docs that is funny about it.  Any time I have any type of incision he makes me stop MTX 1 week before procedure and 2 weeks after.  I've often wondered if this was necessary, especially since the docs doing the various procedures don't understand why.
I had a tooth pulled and had to go off.  Started back up 3 weeks later and all was fine.
I then had a biopsy on a breast lump, which contrary to how it sounds is a VERY SMALL incision (1/4 of an inch).  Again had to go off for 3 weeks, but this time my body did not respond to the MTX as well as before and I flared with a vengence.  Consequently I had to go on 20mg's of Prednisone and Remicade.  That was in March of last year and I am still on all meds.  Have managed to get down to 2.5mg of Prednisone, but just can't reduce further.
If I had to do all over again I probably would not have stopped the MTX, but then some people might get an infection and then have complications from that.
It's a guessing game.
I've been putting off shoulder surgery because both my rheumy and surgeon say I have to go off MTX even for the arthoscopic portion, 1 week before 2 after.  It interferes with healing.

Thanks everyone.

Pin, my gyno didn't feel there would be any reason to stop either. she has done major surgery on patients while on it, and never an issue. I guess if they feel no need to worry, I shouldn't either (even though it is in my nature to worry).
Milly, a client of mine told me to "elevate my backside" afterwards to help with the gas. LOL, cracked me up. she is a nurse and that was her best advice.
I would never have surgery while taking MXT and it's not just because of a surgical infection.  There are many types of bacterias in hospitals.  Hospitals are the dirtiest public places and the some of these infections are opportunistic.  With a lowered immune system we're more suseptible and bacteria will take advantage of our lowered immune systems.  I had a basal cell removed from my nose with skin graft, a knee replacement, and a cardiac cath all done last year.  My RD, Internist and Surgeons all requested that I stop MXT one week before surgery and restart one week after.  For the knee implant I had to stop 2 weeks before and restart 2 weeks after.  I was on Remicade at the time and had to stop infusions also.  I don't think I'd take the chance.  LindyI had a D&C where they removed a pholyp and my doctor said it was ok to stay on it. My OB prescribed an antibiotic afterwards considering there was an increased infection risk. I did fine; but I tend to feel like Lindy. It's risky.
Good Luck.
Deb, 2 months ago I had my gall bladder removed.  My rheumy advised me to NOT take a scheduled Enbrel injection before the surgery and the one after the surgery.  He said I could stay on the Arava.  But, that being said, I wouldn't want to question your Dr.'s advice.  My rheumy explained to me that it would only aid in the healing process to avoid those 2 injections, but it wouldn't kill me if I were to go ahead and take them.  So, I didn't take the shot prior to the surgery or the one after and I was fine.  No flares, no residual effects or anything.  Hope this helps."It wouldn't kill me" doesn't sound reasurring to me. Serious infections don't always kill you....but they can cause a lot of problems. I hate it when doctors say things like that. Don't you?Here's a thought, how about having your husband get a vasectomy. I'm not joking. My husband had one 4 years ago and two days later he competed in a golf tournament. [QUOTE=Lovie]"It wouldn't kill me" doesn't sound reasurring to me. Serious infections don't always kill you....but they can cause a lot of problems. I hate it when doctors say things like that. Don't you?[/QUOTE]
Yes Lovie, I do hate it.  We go to them because suuposedly the should know how to best care for us, not always the case.
Good Luck Deb..