pregnancy and having kids while on meds, etc | Arthritis Information


How difficult is it to stay on meds that control your RA and still have pain free pregnancies and keep having kids? While I was pregnant with my 2nd I was diagnosed with RA and the doctors all said the hormones would make me feel better. That NEVER happened, so I was on pred my entire pregnancy.
We would like to have more kids, but I can't see how I can live with the pain for 9+ months while trying to conceive and during the pregnancy and afterward. From what I've read there aren't many options for treatment while pregnant because lots will harm the baby.
We're not trying again for quite a while, since the baby is just 2 months old, but I'd like to know how many have successful pain free pregnancies.
I can't see being in horrible pain while caring for 2 kids with another on the way (some day).
Kizzie2008-09-25 09:35:09Many women have a remission while pregnant and for about 6 weeks post-partum.  In addition, most rheumatologists and OBGYNs agree that tylenol, prednisone, and limited use of opiates during pregnancy are all safe for mom and baby.  Talk to your medical team - it is totally possible to have a healthy pregnancy and baby if you have RA.  Plus in a few years that pregnancy will (hopefully) turn into a useful person who can help with chores so you can relax a bit!!!!!  