allergy to bandaids? | Arthritis Information


It could just be mechanical - the adhesive pulls and tugs at the skin the entire time it's fastened on, and then when it's removed it pulls and tugs even more.  Next time you take off a bandaid, look at it - you'll see skin embedded in the adhesive.  A couple of applications of hydrocortisone cream should clear it up.  Neosporin can be irritating, and could potentially make the problem worse.  If it continues to be a problem, you could try gauze and paper tape next time. [QUOTE=SnowOwl]Thanks Jas.  Makes sense, the skin there is more fragile too.  Now just hoping the bump will be nice and go away soon, but since it's been about a month already am getting it looked at anyway.  If it needs to be bandaged though I will definitely look at alternatives.[/QUOTE]

If I have to use a bandaid on my inner arm or upper leg, it always leaves a mark, no matter what brand.  Sometimes the collateral damage from the bandaid can be worse than the original wound!  It certainly seems to be mechanical in nature, at least for me.  I can put bandaids all over my hands, feet, calves and never get a mark.  But the sensitive tender skin always gets a bandaid "shadow."  And if I start scratching, it gets even worse!!!!
The glue and what ever you clean it with or maybe even the ointment can cause a chemical reaction sort of burns your skin. I am allergic to bandaids also. That is a big rash. I ask for paper tape when i get bloodwork ect. Still it is annoying and painful to get a chemical burn from a bandaid. I am concerned about your owie. Let us know what doc says.Oh I would like to be good to myself. That at the moment is impossible. That joint at the top of my c-spine is swelling a bit. No comfortable position that i can find at the moment. Then add a bit of shoulder swelling. Then they two swellings rub together. So i just took pain pill. I rolled up a blanket and put three pillows on top of it and am trying to keep pressure of of my neck. Then my right ankle is hurting. Always something.

Worring about you keeps my mind off it.
Lol a friend of mine was saying i need to come over and get taken care of. Then he said i gotta go. I'll call you back. So i am in suspence. Maybe he blew up his oxegyn tank. We have been friends scince the dark ages when we both were healthy. He is a single parent. I can't believe his daughter is a freshman in highschool. Time really flies by. His mom has RA and one lung from lung cancer. She has been on Leviquin as long as i have been on antibiotics. 30 days now. But she is a great cook. His dad is getting up there and has alot of health problems. But he has a great garden with lots of fresh veggies.
Thats my favorite place to go hide. My friend has alot of responsibilities between his alling parents and his daughter. Plus he is stuck around his oxegyn and other breathing machines. So he appreciates the fact that i just lay around and talk to him. I appreciate his company also. Most people get aggravated that i don't want to run around and have heeps of fun. But we have fun. We just watch Intervention and other television and talk about the good old days. His exwife died several years ago. His brother dies of lung cancer. Another good friend of ours dies. We talk about when everyone was around and how much fun we used to have.
I hope everyone is alright he hasn't called me back yet.
you can become allergic to the adhesive.  I can't use my lidoderm patches because of this.  The test they did to see if it is the medicine in it or the adhesive was to have me put a bandaid on.  Guess what?  I had the same rash, therefore, the adhesive.  Sucks.snow owl- I am allergic to band aid, I have been since I was a child. I get a red raised area that burns and then itches like mad and it get lots of tiny little bumps on it. I get a special band on my wrist when i got to the hospital so that the staff no i am allergic. When we lived in South Africa I had my first child and was given an epidural, they didnt read my notes properly and taped the tube to my back with elastoplast, i was in agony for days afterwards, my whole back swelled up .I was going to post to this last night and then couldn't remember the words I needed, anyway, what Pin Cushion said, you could be allergic to the plastic used in the bandaid. We have to buy latex free stuff every year for the people who can't tolerate that kind of plastic, hope the original owie is no big deal. [QUOTE=Ninilchicken]I was going to post to this last night and then couldn't remember the words I needed, anyway, what Pin Cushion said, you could be allergic to the plastic used in the bandaid. We have to buy latex free stuff every year for the people who can't tolerate that kind of plastic, hope the original owie is no big deal.[/QUOTE]

I get the same sort of mark no matter if the bandage is latex-free or not, if it's on a sensitve/thin-skin area.  Even paper tape can tug at the skin and cause mechanical damage on sensitive/thin-skin areas.  Neosporin can make the problem even worse, as many people are sensitive to neomycin.  Plain bacitracin ointment is often a better choice for wound care if infection is present (or if there is a high risk of getting an infection - for instance, a cut on a finger).  If it's just an irritation or allergy, hydrocortisone cream will help calm the inflammation and clear it up quickly.
LOL - I have to hide the bandaids in my house or my kids will be covered head-to-toe.  I made the mistake once of buying cartoon character bandaids.  The box lasted about 10 minutes after they discovered it.  They were COVERED in bandaids.  A day later they were covered in marks from ripping the bandaids off each other.  Paybacks... Hehehe Jas. That made me smile, remembering when my kids were little.  A fresh box of Ninja Turtle or Barbie bandaids insured a day full of bandaid "emergencies".  Then when you really need one??  Forget it.  All you have is an empty box.  [QUOTE=Linncn]Hehehe Jas. That made me smile, remembering when my kids were little.  A fresh box of Ninja Turtle or Barbie bandaids insured a day full of bandaid "emergencies".  Then when you really need one??  Forget it.  All you have is an empty box.  [/QUOTE]

LOL - i got my revenge the next time I purchased bandaids.  No one in my house will wear a Hello Kitty bandage unless they're mortally wounded... problem solved!!! [QUOTE=SnowOwl][QUOTE=JasmineRain]
LOL - i got my revenge the next time I purchased bandaids.  No one in my house will wear a Hello Kitty bandage unless they're mortally wounded... problem solved!!![/QUOTE]