Me poor arms! | Arthritis Information


Well... my arms are now in full bruising mode. Yep... around 6pm they turned a dark purple and one of them keeps getting bigger!

The muscle where the bruising is hurts when the muscle moves. There are even swelled like knots where the bruising is on the dark bruises.
I knew something was wrong when he first stuck me, because it ACTUALLY HURT after the BIG jab thru the skin. It actually felt like the nerve damage test the neurologist done to me a few months back.... where he stuck a needle thru to listen to my nerves. He was actually poking my muscles!
Oh and my 2nd clue to dude did not know how to start an IV should have been when I heard the "pop" of the needle puncturing my skin!
I am all holey and it is not even Sunday or my Sunday under-roos. I wear holey under-roos on Sunday. What? They are comfortable
Here is some pics of my poor poor arms. See the white spots in the bruises? That is where the needle entered and if you look close enough... you can see the puncture hole!
I am not sure if the RA or just the constant pricking does this to us. I had four surgeries during an untreated RA attack five years ago and my blood vessels where popping and blowing all over the place. They went to get an expert poker.
They said if she could not find a vien they would have to go for the legs. I was like just go for the legs and stop blowing my viens. The expert lady got it. I had to have gallbladder surgey so i had to put up with it.
I totally feel your pain after my 15 sticks experience last week. Dr. has now set a 5 stick limit. If we still have problems then it will be a port. I am not excited....

I know you must be especially annoyed since you had already had the procedure!   Hope they heal quickly.

BeckyMy arms look like that every 6 weeks when I go for bloodwork.  My veins roll or shutdown so I always have multiple spots they go for blood.  It sucks, but you are not the only one like that, I'm sure there are a lot of us.Arnica, OTC, rub it on the bruising and it will bring it down fast.  I am so sorry Joonie - we know you hate needles, and for good reason.  and put some ice on that bruisingThat is what my arms look like everytime I end up getting IV's and such.  I totally understand how you feel. I think I can just about match you Joonie. I had blood work and then on Monday it took 3 tries to get my infusion going. PLUS I just have all these spontaneous bruises and the bruises around the dog bite.. this sucks.
Wow!  That's one issue I have not run into, and I get monthly infusions.
However when I walk in the infusion lab each month I look at the board that tells which nurse is tending to which chairs, and I always sit in one tended by the best "pricker" in the lab. 
Hope you find releif.

I was just in the hospital for a week with shingles and cellulitis and that's what the back of both hands, my AC region (elbow area where yours are), and my forearms look just like that.   Chalk up some more bruises to prednisone.  After reading your other post too I feel it necessary to apologize to you for the bonehead you had placing your IV.  I'm a lab technician/phlebotomist and I make it a point to ALWAYS listen to the patient and draw them from where they say it's the easiest place.  Sometimes it's not the best thing to do and I will tell them that and ask if they would rather have someone else try or if they want me to go ahead. 

While I'm here and on this subject.  Does anyone find that they bruise sometimes when ripping off the darn tape they use to hold the gauze in place after the venipuncture/IV ?
Man it tears me up like nobody's business.
Bob H
