Massage? | Arthritis Information


I went for a massage yesterday for the first time since dx.  The girl happened to have a sister who has RA and she really seemed to know how to work with my joints.  Afterwards, I felt better than I have in 3 years!  By last night, I could feel it coming back again but was wondering if anyone has had good results by having regular massages.  I'm considering buying a package deal so that its less per session. She felt confident that we would see results with just an hour massage every 2 weeks.

Anyone BTDT?
I get a massage every week and have been for the last two years. It is heavenly! I have Fibro and my back is all tight ropes with no give to them. My MT is amazing at getting everything loose and I do a lot of stretching in between. It's very important to drink a lot of water afterwards, within the first hour to get all those loosened up toxins out of your system. He actually gives me a bottle of water as I leave and on two occasions I forgot to drink them and was throwing up and had diarrhea as well, sorry TMI, but it started about 2-3 hours after massage and lasted about an hour. Much better to drink lots and pee lots, lol.
On the two occasions this happened, I hadn't had a massage for a couple of weeks and maybe I had extra toxins in there?? I will have to ask him.
Massage has been helpful. 
You can also use a tennis ball pressed against a surface to loosen up tight fibro muscles.  I use that from time to time.  It was suggested initially by a PT.
i love massage.  My muscles get really tight and spastic and the massage helps loosen things up.  I will admit there are times it hurt like heck but its one of those hurts so good things
My husband and I went to a friend of ours that has a health spa and
uses alot of essential oils , and he showed my husband how to give
me massages and what oils to use , I get frequent massages and I
find that they help alot .
