OT An odd thing | Arthritis Information


So all day I'm smelling something stinky and thinking the puppy had an accident somewhere.  So I'm looking around for a puddle and not finding one, spraying Febreze and not killing the odor..and it was so strong.  Well, when my daughter came home from school and went to her room to feed her fish she found the culprit.......nope.  Not dead fish in the bowl....a dead fish lying in the upstairs hallway.  He must have jumped from the bowl and flipped his little self out of her room.   How did I miss it?  I don't know...I guess he blended a bit with the carpet.  But my house is restored to it's non stinkiness and we have one less mouth to feed.Sorry for your loss. Hey Jas...were you really geeked up over the new really large prime number?   Also, didn't you say you were teaching yourself Spanish?  How's that going for ya?The would be explorers of the fishy world.  Gotta give the little guys credit.poor little guy...and no one cared. no one upset....if it had been my house we would had a burying down the drain when no one was looking......our grand kids has fits when 1 dies, grandpa has to dig a hole and put a flower on top.  we raise them and lose  a few.  we have a pond,  Well heres a hug .
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