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I have asthma and deal with wheezing almost on a daily basis.  But this is different.......I walk up stairs and I'm short of breath and my heart is pounding out of my chest. No cough. I am also very fatigued.  Yes, I know I am a nurse and I know what it could be...........but my cbc (complete blood count) was perfect in April.  No problems with anemia.  Just wondered if this had to do with the RA OR the hypothyroidism that I have only been treated for in a little over a month.  Thanks for any inputit can be related or it may not.  You know what the symptoms indicate and know what you should do....

How long have you been on the mobic?
Since July but was on Motrin before that.  Always on Prevacid.  No stomach pain.  If you are wheezing on a daily basis, I'd have to think your asthma isn't very well-controlled. How are your peak flows doing? I'm not blaming your asthma for your misery, but it might compound your symptoms. Asthma can flare with auto-immune disorders.  I only use my inhaler once a week at most.  I mean I've had it soooo long, I know this isn't my Asthma.   Just for grins, the next time you notice feeling short of breath, try using your inhaler.  I also have asthma, and I am really struggling right now.  I think it is pollen related for me (or mold spores).  Lately I don't always wheeze, sometimes I just have a strange sense of shortness of breath and using the rescue inhaler helps.
My doctor just prescribed Asmanex to use every day in addition to the rescue inhaler, but so far it hasn't helped.  Maybe you need something more yourself!

I did, and it didn't stop the shortness of breath or the pounding chest.  I called in sick today cause of the pain in my muscles/hands, fatigue and dizziness. Only resting for about 10 minutes did get rid of the shortness of breath.  I guess I need to call my dr. and get another cbc just to be sure...............

Oh and I do take Advair daily.............it has helped a lot!Goldie
a CBC isn't all you may need...sounds like you may be a candidate for a stress test
oooooo, don't be sticking me with a stress test already!  I'm only 46 (although my Dad had his first bypass at 42).  This has just happened in the past few days.........great, dr. here I come.better safe than sorry :)Call your doctor or got to the ER.  You're a nurse and you know the ramifications of ignoring these specific symptoms and it doesn't matter that you're only 46 years old.  Keep us posted.  LindyHuh..............I was just thinking of the ER.  Great minds think alike.  I hate showing up there and have it be nothing.I'd rather you showed up and it be nothing but a little asthma than having you have a cardiac event.  Always, better safe than sorry, you know that.  LindyNOW GO!  LindyI'm only 36 and I have an appointment with a cardiologist tomorrow because of the dizzy spells, shortness of breath and chest tension that I have been experiencing. I was like "what!" when RD wanted me to go, but I'd rather be safe than sorry. Cardiac issues run in my family and with the RA, I'm not taking any chances, and I don't think you should either!! Good luck, and feel better!!Goldie, I agree with some of the others.  With your family history, I wouldn't just wait and see.  I think you should go to the ER.Thanks guys.................I'm going to sit on it for awhile and if I still feel bad tomorrow or later tonight, I'll go.  Hi there, I'm just a lurker.... but I had to post on this one.
I watched Mystery Diagnosis the other day and a young girl had similar symptoms, always going up stairs... and it was pulminary related. I forget what it was called but perhaps you should have a visit with her your doctor. It's funny because your description of your symptoms and the stairs, it's almost exactly like this girl.
your symptoms sound like mine when I developed Cardiomyopathy.
 PLEASE get a stress test.
I'm ok.  By yesterday I had full blown flare with my left hip, left foot and right hand.  Called my Rheumy this am and went to see him.  He said it may have been kinda a "pre" thing and put me on a steroid burst.  My first.  He is talking Plaquenil next visit if I keep having pain 3 weeks apart.  Hip is MUCH better, just a little bit of pain when I walk and go up and down stairs.  Still limp.  I haven't had any shortness of breath since that one night and I did mention to him.  Thanks everyone for their support and concern.  I truely feel you are all good friends!Hi Goldie,
My father had symptoms similar to yours in the last few months.  He also thought it was his asthma.  Turns out he has to have a pacemaker put in
I'll get it checked out.  Thanks!
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