Another thought on bruising | Arthritis Information


There have been a number of posts on bruising lately (including mine). Don't forget that spontaneous bruising can indicate serious health problems and should be checked out. If a bruise appears where you have not bumped into something and it is not tender when you press on it then it may not be an ordinary bruise. In my case my platelets were too low and I got whacked with a kidney infection and foot infection that I have not been able to fight off. Had to go totally off my immunosuppresant and it has really knocked me down. Anyway, just make sure you do not have a more serious problem if you are bruising.

Good post Laker.  I really like to err on the side of caution and even with the bleed in my eye I went to the doctor.  LindyWow thanks for the post. I am way over due for bloodwork anyway. Before life hit the fan this week i had noticed some bruising. I had been in bed sick and new i had not done anything to warrent them. But things got busy. I have bruises now but i probably was just walking into things from lack of sleep. Anyway it reminds me to have my bloodwork done.