Arthritis Information -Yet another newbie


Welcome animal_house.  You'll find a lot of good info on this board.  I highly suggest going into the Rheumatoid Arthritis board given that it has the most activity and do a search on your diet topic.  You are sure to find a lot of previous discussions about it.

As for me, I haven't tried the diets but I have added a few foods to my regular diet that are known to be anti-inflammatories.  In particular, I eat frozen cherries ever morning.  About 1/4 cup.  Have I noticed any affect on my inflammation?  Cannot say that I have, but they are delicious and healthy so I figured I keep eating them just in case they are making a difference that I cannot detect given the level of inflammation I have with my RA.
Again....welcome to the boards!  I am fairly new myself but I have already found this forum to be one of my main sources of information.
I have been reading for a few weeks since I was diagnosed with PA. And thought I would say "hello" to everyone.  I am on methotrexate once a week currently and going back to the Dr Thursday. (1st check after starting med's) I have a question for everyone with any type of Arthritis. Has anyone tried a no inflammation diet and did that help? I will try the diet if it works, its just really hard to give up everything at one time. 1st the wine and now the pasta and cheesecake?  Makes you wonder if this some sort of cruel punshiment.   Thanks Dianne for the suggestion about the RA site, I will give that a try. There seems to be a lot of good suggestions on here. I guess hearing about other's experience sometimes helps. Hope you are doing as well as possible. Gotta go take my methotrexate now. Yuck!!
