OT--Grocery Bill | Arthritis Information


How much do you spend a month on groceries?

We used to try to do 0/month.  Granted, that would include toiletries, cleaning supplies, cat litter and food, and dog food (and there were only 3 of us--now we have a 1.5 year old and a 4 year old).
I got a raise so we were excited and went to a budget of 0/month.  Hubby went to the store yesterday, only bought things on the list, and it was 0!  So we have to try to make this last for 2 weeks (which I know won't happen with milk, at least).  At he forgot to buy cat & dog food! 
Milk here is ridiculous. It is between -.  We were shocked when we visited Chicago and saw milk prices there.
We try to cut coupons in the Sunday paper, and look for the best deal each week.  We don't always buy generic, but sometimes.  We need to do that more.
Part of my frustration is that we were being really bad about having healthy dinners together, so we started planning menus.  Nothing big...this week, we are making lasagna, chicken pot pie, and a casserole and having leftovers and pancakes on the other nights.  But I think by buying produce and other ingredients were are upping our spending (Even though it is to eat healthier).  We try to buy frozen veggies but fruit i like fresh.
Anyway, I guess we just need to get more coupons and buy all generic and see what we can do.  I just think it would be ridiculous to have to spend more than 0 a month at the grocery store for 4 people.  What do you guys think?
We shop at a regional chain, Bi-Lo.  There is a Wal-Mart nearby but I get so overwhelmed at Wal-Mart.  The Bi-Lo really needs more competition.  The Food Lion just closed.  They are starting to build Publix in the area though.

Katie - its pathetic.  No one in American government is addressing the skyrocketing price of food because of skyrocketing oil prices, due to naked short selling and speculation on Wall Street.  We are being thrown to the wolves.  The free market, unregulated, capitalist theory has been proven to be a failure.  I am shocked that NOTHING has been done about these false oil prices which have trickled down to the grocery store.  I am in shock from shopping on Sunday.  Alot of families are having to choose between food or rent or the mortgage payment.  Disgusting, pathetic leadership.  Term limit these fools. 

I am just sick about food prices. We shop at  Sav a Lot, Aldis (when I am in that town) nd in our local regular supermarket.
I have always tried to be thrifty but when  just plain ordinary hamburger is more than   a pound I  just feel  awful.
We dont have a Walmart   with a grocery storee within 40 miles so thats not an option.
I mostly cook from scratch and I'm more than willing to use canned veggies, but good lord.I'm spending about 0-0 a month for the 4 of us.
kathy_in_wlsv2008-09-30 05:35:54

I spend around that much for grocerys also.  I have to boys that are 4 and 2, we go through a gallon of milk a day if not more.  I have bought 30 gallons of milk this month which is 0 right there.  I agree that produce (and meat) are very expensive.   I love summer because I have been going to the farmers market once a week to get produce and we have a garden.  But there is only 1 farmers market day left because it is starting to get cold here.

This is a challenge for our family as well, and I think gas prices play the biggest role in the rising cost of food.  Restaurants are feeling it as well, and they have the dilemma of 'eating' the increase, or spending more money to have new menus printed with increased prices.

You will notice decreased portion sizes, less garnishes, etc., as they try to keep costs down without raising prices.

I dread grocery shopping now!  I keep threatening to send hubby, so he can see what it is like.

Having a dairy-free child isn't helping, either.   All my old standard casseroles and ziti and lasagna and Mexican stuff is history.

I now have a three store system to shop that seems to be working.  But half my garage looks like a Y2K bunker.

I can do this without wasting gas because I work somewhere different every time I work.  If I need to go to Costco, I pick a place that is nearby or on the way home, for example.  Super Walmarts are farther away, and sometimes I even bring a cooler to get stuff home safely.

The only fresh fruit or vegs that I buy consistently are bananas, potatoes, onions, lettuce, and tomatoes.  Unless there is a good sale on something seasonal, I buy frozen or canned.  You aren't paying for waste (peels, stems) and you don't have to toss anything that spoiled.

Costco best buys for us - milk, eggs, bread (I freeze some), cereal, coffee, bananas (but they are always very green at first?), chicken nuggets, veggie burgers, whole chickens, and GAS.

I go about every other week.  Membership is , but my mom gives me that for Christmas! 

I also go to Walmart about every other week.  Toiletries, juice boxes, spaghetti sauce,  Pop Tarts,  and my most recent best find - frozen ground turkey, 1 lb. for .74.    We will eat that twice a week in various forms!

I still use our neighborhood grocery store every week.  Apple juice and orange juice for the rest of my particular family, and whatever diet soda is on sale.  And I fill as needed with whatever they have on sale.

Cleaning supplies - some in bulk at Costco, others when they are BOGO at the grocery store.  I usually never even check them out at Walmart, for some reason, but maybe I need to.
I am so sick of eating pasta, and it used to be one of my favorite dinners.  But we are eating it a lot because it is cheap and it fills you up.  Not healthy at all, but I'm trying to stretch things as far as I can (so I can support my Coke addiction, LOL).  I just trying to get creative with the cheapest cuts of meats, and tenderize and marinate them, or disguise them with sauces where I can.  It's all we can do. 
Everything I shop for shocks me when I go to the store now.  And the stores are trying to trick you into thinking things are a good price by featuring them on end caps, or by putting signs over them saying "Great Price" or "Just Reduced", but if you know your prices, you know it isn't true. 
I really feel for you folks with young children - I know how hard it must be for you.  My sons still live at home and have big appetites, but they pay for a lot of their own food now. 
OUr groceries come in at around 0-200 a week and that is pretty much basics, meat, dairy and fruit and veg.  We eat lots of pasta and rice with lots of vegies and a little meat.  Milk is a killer though, we go through about 15-10 litres a week (a 22 year old boy drinks a lot of milk!).  I shop at discount warehouses and buy as cheap as possible.  It seems that the basics are going up wee by week.  Most bread is about .50 a loaf which is ridiculous!
Getting creative is becoming a real necessity just to make ends meet.
I must be in the minority here but i don't think that 5 a week for a family of 4 (and kids who drink milk) is astronomical. That also buys dog and cat food/supplies? I think it's pretty reasonable. [QUOTE=Honey]I must be in the minority here but i don't think that 5 a week for a family of 4 (and kids who drink milk) is astronomical. That also buys dog and cat food/supplies? I think it's pretty reasonable.[/QUOTE]

I spend about 0 every couple weeks at the grocery store.  2 adults, 2 boys (age 8 and 9), 2 cats.  It usually fluctuates by or so either way, and it's been like that for years.  Once in a while I go to Target to stock up on cleaning supplies and other incidentals, but usually I just get them at the grocery store.
Because we eat a lot of fresh veggies, fruit, whole grains and organic meats my grocery bill is huge for 2 of us and I don't plan on changing any of it.  We don't drink many sodas (just a few cokes a week) nor do we eat many snacks or canned foods.  I mostly shop at the local, large Mexican grocery store and the prices are less.  The fruits and vegetables are ripe and I love the cuts of meat.  I marinate beef cuts, make stews and casseroles.  Actually this summer I made my own bread but it was cooler in Washington state.  We're now in Yuma and it's 100 degrees and I'm not firing up the oven. 
We'll soon be on our way to Mexico and the food prices in our area are ridiculously low.  I spend about .00 a week on groceries there versus 0.00 here in the states. 
I wish I had some magic answers for all of you but you've covered anything I could suggest.  I don't know how you can buy groceries for 4 people for 0.00 a month!!  Don't think you can do much better than that.  Lindy
On cleaning supplies, I make my own. That's a huge savings. I don't use tons and tons of papertowels either. I use microfiber cloths and just rinse or throw them in with the laundry. Another huge savings. I would think that buying bigger cuts of tough meat, marinating and slow cooking in a crockpot would be a savings. We eat lots of homemade soups (my kids love split pea soup, - tonight is a 16 bean soup).

Judging by the age of your youngest I'd say you're still buying diapers. That's a huge expense.

Another totally off topic idea for you - since you mentioned you are making chicken pot pie: I make mine without a crust. I put the chicken/veggie/roux mixture in a casserole dish and top w/mashed potatoes. It's healthier than a crust, probably cheaper given the price of taters and the kids, well, I don't know about you but I can put mashed potatoes on anything (even on top of meatloaf) and my kids love it. Have y'all noticed that the size of the containers food is sold in as well as the amount in the container is reduced by up to 25% but yet it costs the same as it did previously.  The food companies are trying to scam you into thinking you're getting the same amount of food as before and paying the same price for it but in reality there's less food and you're paying the same price, so they are making 25% more money off of us without "increasing" the price.  I first noticed this about 6 months ago, Breyer's Ice Cream used to come in a half gallon container and cost roughly .00, now it's a little less than a half gallon and still .00.  Cereal is another one I noticed was doing that.  Obviously they have to put the measurement of food on the package but they're hoping you don't really read it and that you don't notice the subtle difference in the size of the package.  It really pisses me off.My 0-0 does not include anything but the basics milk, bread, meat, veggies/fruit, cheese and cereal...  Everthing else I did not include in my figuring.  My children are also little 4 and 2, so my bill maybe is less than it will be!!Its def. a global thing. I spend around £150 a week on groceries with 2 dogs and a cat included and one week out of the month I spend around £170 ( thats for 5 of us) thats about 0. 4 months ago I was spending around £120 for the same groceries. We use a farmers market for our veg and fruit. I cook a lot of chicken, soups, stews and we have a roast once a week ( normally a leg of lamb or a topside beef) and  fish once aweek. Its silly things that have got expensiveI spend at least 0 a month on food (including cleaning supplies, cat and dog food, and toiletries). That is for 5 people. We have tax on groceries here which a lot of places don't. I buy only store brands, and I HAVE no choice to eat healthy because my husband has a huge history of heart disease (everyone on his mom's side has had a heart attack before 40), his mom is 54 and has had 3 already, his grandmother has had 10 heart attacks and 2 bypasses, plus all his uncles (one was 37 and died from the heart attack), and I refuse to kill him by eating junk.

I am really trying to cut back but it is hard since we're trying to eat healthy because the healthy foods are the expensive ones.
[QUOTE=jennmommi]I spend at least 0 a month on food (including cleaning supplies, cat and dog food, and toiletries). That is for 5 people. We have tax on groceries here which a lot of places don't. I buy only store brands, and I HAVE no choice to eat healthy because my husband has a huge history of heart disease (everyone on his mom's side has had a heart attack before 40), his mom is 54 and has had 3 already, his grandmother has had 10 heart attacks and 2 bypasses, plus all his uncles (one was 37 and died from the heart attack), and I refuse to kill him by eating junk.

I am really trying to cut back but it is hard since we're trying to eat healthy because the healthy foods are the expensive ones.
Jennmommi-when you are buying store brands make sure you look at the price because they are not always cheaper anymore, like a lot of crap at walmart is more expensive than the regular stuff.  also look at the price per unit on the price to actually see what is the better deal. 

Audrey, yes the size and ounces of the containers have changed over the last year or so.  Because it's just the 2 of us I usually buy the smaller of the containers and I'm sure that's one of the reasons  my grocery bill is higher.  I also make all of my cleaning supplies except for clothes washing and then I use one of the green supplies.  I use castille soap, baking soda and essential oils for cleaning supplies. 

It used to be that I would notice the smaller sized containers at the same price once in a while but now I notice them all the time.  Every food supplier and manufacturer have some version of this going on.  If space wasn't so limited for us I would shop more at Costco and Sam's Club.  Lindy  
When my boys were in High school and playing sports, my bill was astronomical. We also made our house the house to hang out at, so the kids and their friends would always feel welcomed. It meant a high food budget as we sometimes had their friends for weeks at a time, but it was worth it to keep everyone safe and where we knew they'd be. I recommend this for everyone!. At the time I probably spent 0 a week. Lately we have been spending about 0 a week and that is shopping sales and using coupons. Now that hubby is not with us, I'm sure I can cut that way down. Today will be my first time shopping for just the 4 of us. Oh and two big dogs and a kitten.... I wonder if I can get critter support, lol. I also do not buy cleaning products beyond lemon juice (costco has a 2pk of giant bottle) vinegar,bakingsoda, laundry soap, dish soap, We do not eat out, or eat prepared food at all. Everything is from scratch and is stretched for other meals. As an example. I will buy the cheapest cut of pork roast that has lots of bones and fat and cook it in the crock pot with spices to make pulled pork. I pick the meat out using my CLEAN hands and we eat it in a bun, on a salad, rolled in tortillas, etc. same with cheap cuts of beef. I put it in crock pot and use it for burritos, tacos, soups, stews, pot pies, etc. Towards payday when money is low, I will cook pancakes or top ramen  with egg drop in it and frozen peas and any leftover meat we have. It doesn't take much and with a side of bread, is filling. I use ground turkey meat in my chili, spaghetti sauce, tacos, burritos, etc At the end of the week, I always make a soup with whatever leftovers we have. It might have stew, spaghetti, shepherd's pie, mac n cheese, etc. Everyone loves it and it never comes close to being the same twice. I raid my freezer for mini amounts of veggies, not enough for a meal, and I always save the carcass of chickens and turkeys and freeze them for a later date and make the kind of dumplings that are strips of dough. Yummy. I have one son who has never eaten anything from a box or can, so I get creative. We have a grocery oulet a couple of blocks from home. I never know what they have, but it is ususally close to the sell by date, so I freeze it. Sometimes they just get huge shipments. One time I got pepperidge farm cookies, the soft double choco ones for 88cents so I bought two cases. I never know what I will find and whatever it is, is what we eat. They get a lot from costco, too, which is nice.Wow!!!  I will never complain again about food costs here!
We pay around US.50 for a litre of milk ( which is equivalent to 2.11 pints) and I spend around US0.00 per week for 2 of us plus a cat and two pooches on groceries. And I am prettty extravagant with food.
But I guess some things are relative when I think about it a little more. Our wage/salary levels are a lot lower than those in the States and GB.
Still....I feel a whole lot better now I see how much you all pay. And I am sorry for all of you that have to pay out SO much to eat!
What about your electricity bills? In winter, with combined gas heating/water heating and power, our account is around US0 per month and we are expecting rises in the very near future.
The world is upset about the high price of food. I am 45 and this is the worst I have ever seen things. Add our health problems and co pays. Well it equals not enough money.Lyndee, my electric bill is roughly 0-400 per month.  And I don't have electric heat - I have to pay for home heating oil to heat my hot water and my home.  During the coldest part of winter it takes about 225 gallons of oil every 5 weeks, and right now it is running about a gallon here in Connecticut.Thanks for the input!  I guess we just never really adjusted our budget for kids.  I think we were at 0 a month for the two of us before kids, then had one, pushed it to 0, figured that was enough.  But then 2...and 0 sounds like a lot, but like you said, diapers (and pull-ups for 4 year old for night) and cat, dog food...and the prices have slowly crept up in the last 6 years that we have been married.
I figure kids don't eat a lot but the milk, the breakfasts, the things for school lunches, juice, yogurt drinks...it adds up! 
It's awful but good to know I'm not just being totally irresponsible with the budget! 
I am going to try to do generics more and cut coupons more.  I didn't realize our store doubles up to 60 cents on every coupon, so that makes me put a little more effort into it!
What gets me are that my morning staples are so expensive--cereal and OJ.  I LOVE OJ with pulp and I have to have like 10 oz every morning but that sure is expensive!
Wow, that's an electric bill!  Here we average around 0 a month (although winter can sometimes get close to 0, we have some months under 0).  My electric bill was 0 for Aug and July each. And I was too hot just sitting still - got to have a fan on all the time! (Phoenix in the summer...really hot this year.)
We seldom eat out any more so our food bill is much lower than it was 3 years ago but yes food and house hold supplies like TP and laundry soap are up. Hubby is the shopper, and he has begun to remember the coupons!
Some stores like Fry's have a senior day the 1st Wed of every month - 10% off. Check your stores for the same!
I'm about 0 a week for 3 people, no animals.  It's the fruit and veggies that are the killers.  I buy cleaning supplies on sale, stock up if it 's a good one, etc.  I'm sure I could cut the amount of money down if I bought meats on sale, etc., but I shop for what I'm in the mood to cook or eat.  I'd be better off if I shopped for a week but I can't seem to do it.  I go every day or every other day .Katie....many young mums here are going back to cloth diapers and saving a fortune! Also, many people now grow their own vegetables as most homes in NZ have good sized sections. Lettuce/tomatos/cucumbers/zucchini/peas/beans/potatos etc are very easy to grow. Same with herbs/chillies berries etc. Many people have their own hens for eggs also. Now THAT can cause problems!!
Deb.. (owie).. it sounds like you are doing everything a sister of mine is. She uses vinegar and bicarb of soda for most of her cleaning along with teatree oil.  Saves her around per month in cleaning products. She has a recipe for soap mix to use in the washing machine if anyone is interested. Makes her own bread in the breadmaker and uses cheap cuts of meat in her crockpot. Also makes her own yogurt/some soft cheeses and sour cream/ and her own aerated drinks. She never buys cake or biscuits, always makes her own and they are delicious!
I cant believe what you all are paying for electricity and heating!!
We are considering moving back onto a few acres in the countryside and we would buy a small wind turbine. May cost NZ,000 to buy but you would recoup that cost pretty quickly given it will power a regular house up to 80% per year. And wind aint a problem where we live! If we dont move, then we are thinking of installing solar panels on the roof.
Can someone tell me what the average wage is in the States? Would be interesting to compare.
Cheers...Lyn Lynn - The average wage in America is Just Over Broke (JOB)I'm terrible and don't really monitor my grocery spending, but we are pretty basic in our buying habits and now down to just two of us.  I agree though the fresh fruits/veg do add up, but that's okay - makes me feel good to be eating them.  I find we order takeout more often, that's probably cutting into budget more.     I did google average salary in U.S. - link enclosed  has U.S. average and state averages.   
Doesn't mean this is the most accurate  - just one that I found.   
CathyMN2008-10-01 04:03:30I spend about 1200 a month for the 5 of us. and we eat alot of hotdogs and that doesnt include all kinds of breakfast or lunch things
 they are lucky if they get peanut butter
my electric runs about 300 and water 80  but my gas for my work truck and car runs about 1500 a month
Cathy, those wages look very low.  Could that possibly be true?  I don't know anyone that makes that amount per year, it's a lot higher.

I'm sure it's pretty accurate, but as with any survey or analysis, the data out is only as good as the data in.

Cathyfor florida the wages average is alot lower
not many blue collor or should i say laborers make that much here
and jobs are really hard to find

Right now we're pretty much a household who has one person working, that would be me. My BF lives with me but he's been on worker's comp for a back issue and they stopped paying him in May or so, told him it was time to settle things up, which they still haven't done. Thank goodness I'm a nurse and have been one for about 1/2 my life or we wouldn't be able to eat or do anything else for that matter. We rarely eat out anymore and when we do it's nothing extravagant. For the two of us and two obese kitties we spend around 500 bucks a month on food and drink, BF buys some beer occasionally but usually not. We do have family BBQ's etc, we both love to cook. We're trying to eat better but BF keeps making sourdough bread and just about anything else he can think of that is calorie laden because he's bored. When I was first diagnosed with RA I tried to think of anything I was eating that could cause it or cause flare ups etc. I asked my doc, he dismissed the idea. I was buying "all natural" this and "organic" that. It got really expensive. I am lactose intolerant and have to have special milk, which of course is more expensive, but that's about the only real special need I have food wise. I would love to be able to move out of my 1000 square foot townhouse, move to the country and grow my own stuff but it doesn't seem to matter how you go on this, food is still too expensive.

In the summer with air conditioning, the electric bill sometimes exceeds 0.  In the winter it's much lower - perhaps or so.  Our gas bill is 0 - 0 in the wintertime, depending on how much we use the upstairs.  When it's really cold, I close off the upstairs and turn its heat down to 50F (the lowest it can go).  Groceries are about 0 a month, with an occasional trip (maybe once every month or two) to Target for perhaps another 0/month in miscellaneous household supplies.  Kids eat hot lunch at school; that's another combined.  We take my parents out for dinner once a week; that usually costs 0 or so.
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