Funny......... | Arthritis Information


Plastered all over my prednisone bottle in stickers it says.........."This medicine may lower your ability to fight off infections.  Avoid contact with people who have contagious diseases."  I am RN on a medical/surgical floor...........that's pretty much out of the question! 

On Tuesday I saw my cardiologist for the first time. She was super nice but had a really BAD cold. I tried to stay away but how can you. She knew I was scheduled for surgery tomorrow. I just hope I don't get it now. I've got a bad sinus headache right now. Urg.
In grocery stores we are surrounded by the sick.  Everything we touch is full of germs........yeah, stay away from the contagious!  Ha!I work in a medical office - and like Goldie said, germs are everywhere.  I work hard at not catching everything that walks through the door.  I use Purell....and wash hands frequently, and try like hell not to touch my face.  When someone is really sick, I've been known to whip out my can of lysol.  My coworkers think I'm nuts, but they're not on Prednisone, MTX, Enbrel, etc............

As we talked about in a previous thread........I never catch anything anyway.  Thank goodness for a hyper immune system.  I really don't think a little Prednisone is gonna lower me that much!  And my hands are chapped from wash wash wash and that darn alcohol laden hand sanitizer.  Just funny that it says that when I am so over exposed to contagious disease daily!
