FAT FAT FAT | Arthritis Information


ok..i have had pmr since february..am now down to 7.5mg

and am up about 7 lbs (and was FAT to begin with) ...
WHEN does it become a bit easier to loose weight.
yes i have given up sugar..went back on sugar...dieted...gave up dieting...excersized..yep still do that...but nothing has made it budge..i am just trying to keep it the same..and really havent gained much lately..
but first..does the jelly belly leave?
at what dose?
when does it get a bit easier to see the weight change..???
any help would help..i want light at the end of the tunnel!!
I need to know too!!!!! I had  lost weight , anorexic was on my medical notes, while I was so ill,  before starting Pred March 06. Within 6 months I had gained 15kgs. This was 5 kgs over my original weight. Then over time added another 7kgs.  At 5mgs I was loosing the moon face but not the fat jelly belly. I'm now back on 7.5mgs and have gained another 4kgs and feeling FAT FAT FAT...
I HATE pred for this .. but LOVE the better quality (life) of waddling around like a Xmas Turkey!!!
Any help would be greatly appreciated , hugs Lyn
Google  ' Cushings Syndrome'.

Guess what  - one of the causes ------- wait for it .... co-costeroids. Yes, Prednisolone.

Moonface and Peach fuzz disappeared after three months.

Trunk  - ugh  - but it seemed to reach a peak and has not increased.   Mind I would like to know where my waist was.   I look like and oak tree.    Roots at feet, straight up - branches arms.   Head  - got to eb an acorn.

mrs UK
Yes the FAT does leave.  I was diagnosed with PMR 3 years ago and was on only 10 mgs of prednisone, but I gained 20 pounds and got fat where I never had it before. I've always had a flat stomach and was so depressed at this body change.  I am now on 3 mgs and going down and have lost 17 pounds through the lesser dose and mild exercise like walking and pilates.

Not too much is known about PMR, so I have started my own website to help those of us who have been hit overnight with this auto-immune condition...www.livingwithpmr.com

One thing a new doctor has changed in my medication routine.  I now take prednisone with my dinner instead of breakfast, so that my inactivity during sleep doesn't affect me so much when getting up in the morning.  I'm not as stiff.  Hope this helps.

Hmmmm, I like that idea of taking prednisone with dinner.  I'm in agony in the morning.   I go back to my rheumatologist the 21st.  I'm going to tell him that's what I want to do. 

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