Levlarry? | Arthritis Information


Where have you gone?Missing you Lev..... I haven't been on in over a week. As much as he gets everyone riled, I do miss him!! He's on vacation.He's out hunting PIPYes, but I bite - he'd better be damn sure he's actually got me.  Many times the great white hunter thinks he's hunted his prey only to find they hunted him.

Edited g for t - oops k
Pip!2008-10-03 11:10:20Pip, you need to put your night vision goggles on so you can see him once dark sets in.Good plan~

Add me to the miss ya list. Hope you're well.

Lev enjoy the vacation. Will be looking forward to pictures when you get back. Even if they are of PIP. I wondered why there was this resonating peace on the board
Have a great time, lev.

whew!! Lev finally came to his senses.Come on back lev, we need some common sense in this forum, some folks in here just don't have a clue!There's common sense, and then there is rabid attack dog behavior that is apparently being encouraged.  The last time he did this, he eventually turned and attacked the people that defended him within 3 months.
So, LMAO, because this time, I've copied the names and responses of the people wishing he returns.  I'm sure you won't mind if I post your pleas along with a list of laughing smiley faces when it's your turn.
You seem to have a lot of time on your hands and a lot of pent up anger. Nice Try Pip!  I've already been the target of Lev .   With that said, I still enjoy his input on this board.
Geez, get over it already.  you are really angry about something and need to get a life. 
[QUOTE=lorster] [QUOTE=DONN] THE DEMOCRATS HAVE HIM!!  whew!! Lev finally came to his senses.[/QUOTE]
Nah the Dems did.....He's taking back the party 
Phats - Lev is allowed to post, as all of us are.  But he's not going to jump on me again without repercussions.  I'm gonna let his Enbrel 'damage' slide because I don't believe him and its not fair to newbies considering it. 
The rest of you are on your own - except for my 'laughing smiley's'.
Whatever floats your boat!

Thank you for understanding my feelings about this.

It was kind of you.
It must be Lev's lucky day, since you are going to let his Enbrel comment "slide" and all.  How nice of you.Actually, how could anyone possibly know who is telling the "truth" on any discussion board.  People lie all the time in face to face conversations, so I'm pretty sure they also do it on these kind of discussion boards.  I always take what I read on these kind of forums with a grain of salt.  You can never really know what anyone's agenda is...........I see the 'old' Phats is back. 


Get a life!  Don't get on me because you showed your a** on this board.  You lost all my respect and probably many others when you went on that psycho rampage about LevLarry.  I could care less what you say about me.  I don't put my worth in what someone says about me on a message board.  If you feel the need to cut me down or talk trash, knock yourself out.   What is the difference in what you are doing to me and what you allege Lev did to you?
Get a J-O-B or a hobby, or laid or something and leave others alone.
What a VERY valid point.  No one really, really knows if anyone else is what they claim to be or if they are telling the truth.
Most of us can keep that in prespective.
How's Roxy, Phats?  Some might say you went psycho on that poor girl, among others.
You are funny
The difference is....I never threatened to hunt Roxy down.  I never threatened to bring my husband to her doorstep or ask to meet her somewhere to "settle" a score. 
Just admit that you went psycho.  You know, admitting you have a problem is the first step .
The other HUGE difference is.....I always, always take responsibility for my actions. 
This isn't about me, this is about YOU.  Don't turn this around.  you lost your damn mind and went psycho.  You just can't admit it and take the proper steps to fix things.  you suck
No Phats, this is about you too.
Because I cannot for the life of me see the difference between what Lev does to me and others on this board as different from what you orchestrated against Roxy. 
I said Lev can't change his spots (or modus operandi) nor can you.  Same attacks etc.  People don't change, they are who they always are.
Do you want to know the absolute best part of this?  Lev, with his multiple broken noses and his vigilanti 'justice' in his neighborhood so 'criminals' don't come there respects that I've finally drawn a line in the sand.  And his cojones shrink every time he has to be defended by a girl, a sick RA girl. 
So, thank you for that.  The last time this happened when he was going on about the Chinese and got jumped on so hard trying to prove he wasn't a bigot that he had to hide behind 'being a vet' to undo that outrage, ater he'd been 'good' on the board for a bit, the next people he went after were the people who 'defended' him. 
I will no longer defend his right to be an idiot, or a bigot, or his pathetic attempts to push me around.  I've tried 'ignore' but he came into other threads just to attack and attacked newbies 'just because' I became fed up.  I've watched him run off people like you ran off Roxy 'just because' he doesn't like what they're saying. 
So, Lev has a choice that is entirely his.  Not yours and not anybody else's on this board.  Behave with common sense and decency or not.  Not carries a penalty.  He has to decide if he's willing to risk it.
See, I don't play the usual games on these boards.  If I say something, I do it.  It may take me a while but it always gets done.
As for you - you forgot one important part.  At least I had your respect before I was willing to take on Lev.  You never had mine. 
This conversation is closed.  Post all you want in the 'defend poor Lev' category or your own "I'll join Lev in attacking people because that's who I've always been' mode.  I'll not reply.  My only reason in posting on this thread, which we all know Lev has or will see, is that he needs to know my resolve has not changed.  Has his? 
Don't pay attention, she is off her meds Watch out she is taking everyones name and putting them somewhere dark.

I like the part where she says she doesn't play games. hahahahah. Her whole New AP'ers is a big stupid game. Trolling for unsuspecting, vulnerable new people and she doesn't even have RA.

LevLarry, you are one of the sane ones here. Come backWTF?

I have RA and I'm using minocin and it works. I'm grateful Pip was forthcoming with inofrmation about this drug option. Minocin is recognized as a DMARD by the American College of Rheumatology.

Are other people who come on here and discuss viable treatments also"trolls" looking for unsuspecting victims, or just Pip?[QUOTE=Bird Girrl]Watch out she is taking everyones name and putting them somewhere dark.

Ha ha ha!  I bet my name is in all CAPS, or highlighted.  No, no, in hot pink.  Or....sh*t brown.
Let me just say that I have been gone for three weeks. I'm not going to share any of the pictures but I do have a photo cruise lined up in the very near future that is very October appropriate. I'm very sure that many of you will enjoy cruising with me. Wow, what happened to this forum? Aren't you all just a little worried that I am taking names and am just setting yous up for my future attacks? Anyway, I'm back and I'm front.  All the private messages and this thread was overwhelming to say the least. Excuse me if I make my "hello, I'm back" a little short but there is some business that I need to get to.
Pip, you have once again given yourself way too much credit (as usual). I certainly have absolutely no respect for you. It still amazes me that a person with palindromic arthritis spends so much time at an rheumatoid arthritis forum, just doesn't make sense, it's okay with me but just doesn't make sense. Because you feel that you drew some stupid line in some stupid sand in your stupid mind, does not give me cause to have respect for you, it's still stupid. My nose has only been broken once. That was because my parents taught us kids that hitting was not allowed and so I let myself be hit. It wasn't until I was in my late thirties that I decided that those that used violence had missed an important lesson from their parents and I realized that I was extremely good at teaching them the missed lesson, even if they were 6' 4" tall. I may look crippled to you and easy prey, but I assure you that if you and your six foot four husband show up at my door, I will take pictures of your six foot four husband crying like a little girl and post them at this forum. He don't look so tough to me. You may think that I am just some old man, let me assure you, I am the meanest old man you will ever know. I'm a nice person until I'm not and then I'm pure mean. We have no vigilante justice in my neighborhood but we aren't afraid of citizens apprehension and arrest of the criminal element. I carry a copy of your threats in my wallet now at all times, so go ahead and confront me some time and see what happens to you and yours. Cojones indeed. What raised you? Your Chinese story has been edited to suit you. What a surprise, kinda like the "clinical studies" you were going to post, snippets from history, taken out of context to suit your side of a story. Oh, and I didn't apologize or use being a vet as a place to hide because I was right and was not being a bigot just stating pure fact and fact is hard to defend against, isn't it. You once again posts untruth to suit you, shameless.  Many people that can't defend themselves from the truth, just go into a rage, kinda like you do. Once again, all I ask is that you start being truthful. Don't post snippets that lean toward your view, post the complete story so that the truth is known. Let people know that you don't have rheumatoid arthritis and that you spend all your time here for some, some, some.............what's the reason again that someone without our disease spends so much time at our forum?
Glad to see you back. Many of us were beginning to worry. Hope you're well.well, i want to let you all know that i saw Lev.  He was at a McCain rally.  He was the one holding the big stuffed monkey with the Obama sticker.  Oops.  Sorry Lev.  Had to let em know what you have been up to.  [QUOTE=levlarry]Well, or maybe there are women on this board who know not to take anything said on this board too seriously.
there's been name calling by far more people than Lev. The only person who has made a physical threat was Pip...why haven't you called her out too
buckeye2008-10-12 13:44:03There does seem to be a double standard here.............[QUOTE=buckeye]or maybe there are women on this board who know not to take anything said on this board too seriously.
there's been name calling by far more people than Lev. The only person who has made a physical threat was Pip...why haven't you called her out too
Yeah, Lorster, why haven't you called Pip out?  You afraid she will come beat you up? Lev -
Glad to hear we both got emails/PM's about the other.  Mine were fabulously humorous when people posted "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead".  Ah, but our celebration was short lived.  Sigh.
OK - on to business -
It's 'you', not 'yous'.
It's 'who', not 'what'.  Your mother may have been a tralk; mine was not.
"we aren't afraid of citizens apprehension and arrest of the criminal element" is the very definition of vigilante justice.
You are not a nice person and never were.
I copied your entire Chinese posts as you wrote them.  If you changed them since, then they will show 'edited' and the time and date stamp. 
The time and date stamp on the original 'I'm a vet, boo hoo" is right after you got beat down for going to far with the "slanted eyes' comments.  It is easily available for viewing under the AI search feature. 
You have made your decision.  I have made mine.
OH MY GOODNESS PIP. Get a hobby for Pete's sake. [QUOTE=Pip!]Lev -
Glad to hear we both got emails/PM's about the other.  Mine were fabulously humorous when people posted "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead".  Ah, but our celebration was short lived.  Sigh.
OK - on to business -
It's 'you', not 'yous'.
It's 'who', not 'what'.  Your mother may have been a tralk; mine was not.
"we aren't afraid of citizens apprehension and arrest of the criminal element" is the very definition of vigilante justice.
You are not a nice person and never were.
I copied your entire Chinese posts as you wrote them.  If you changed them since, then they will show 'edited' and the time and date stamp. 
The time and date stamp on the original 'I'm a vet, boo hoo" is right after you got beat down for going to far with the "slanted eyes' comments.  It is easily available for viewing under the AI search feature. 
You have made your decision.  I have made mine.
Curious.Whats a Tralk ?
[/QUOTE] she called his mother a whoreClassy!!
"This conversation is closed.  Post all you want in the 'defend poor Lev' category or your own "I'll join Lev in attacking people because that's who I've always been' mode.  I'll not reply.  My only reason in posting on this thread, which we all know Lev has or will see, is that he needs to know my resolve has not changed.  Has his?"
Apparently Lev isn't the only "liar" here................
Lynn492008-10-13 07:38:14[QUOTE=Lynn49]
"This conversation is closed.  Post all you want in the 'defend poor Lev' category or your own "I'll join Lev in attacking people because that's who I've always been' mode.  I'll not reply.  My only reason in posting on this thread, which we all know Lev has or will see, is that he needs to know my resolve has not changed.  Has his?"
Apparently Lev isn't the only "liar" here................
So true!!  You hit the nail on the head.
You posted this:
[BEGIN QUOTE] well, i want to let you all know that i saw Lev.  He was at a McCain rally.  He was the one holding the big stuffed monkey with the Obama sticker.  Oops.  Sorry Lev.  Had to let em know what you have been up to. 
My question to you is, what have the monkeys ever done to you for you to insult them in such a way? What happened to make you such a monkey bigot? I think that I speak for good people everywhere that you owe the monkeys of the world an apology. Shame on you. I don't think that you will ever find a monkey that would appreciate you or anyone trying to suggest some genetic link to Barack Obama. Again shame on you. Maybe before you change careers you should take some sensitivity classes.
Pip, even if my 87 year old Mom is/were/was a tralk (whatever that is), I would/did/do still love her. Oh, and you would be a better proof reader than a fake doctor. We've had this you/yous debate previously on this forum.
And so we have another grown up intelligent converstion on this board!!!!oh I think the lev-gruffness is all blown out of proportion... 
he delivers it straight.. not on the rocks.. not w/ a twist.. and sometimes it's sour..
who cares?   seriously.. ignore things that bother you.. It's not worth getting all inflamed over!!
at least we know when we read a lev post.. it's real... he means it.. and he's being helpful in the best way he knows...
He reminds me of a gruff uncle I had as a child who I was afraid of til I saw the twinkle in the wink of his eye when he spoke..
edited to correct spelling of inflamed
babs102008-10-13 17:53:59[QUOTE=babs10]oh I think the lev-gruffness is all blown out of proportion... 
he delivers it straight.. not on the rocks.. not w/ a twist.. and sometimes it's sour..
who cares?   seriously.. ignore things that bother you.. It's not worth getting all inflamed over!!
at least we know when we read a lev post.. it's real... he means it.. and he's being helpful in the best way he knows...
He reminds me of a gruff uncle I had as a child who I was afraid of til I saw the twinkle in the wink of his eye when he spoke..
edited to correct spelling of inflamed
I agree..........
[QUOTE=levlarry]Lorster, Lorster,
I already told you that I would not insult the monkey world by trying to show some association between the honorable monkey world and Barack Obama.

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