OT- Sons eye doctor | Arthritis Information


It has been a week now scince he was beaten. His right eye seems to be healing. He has inflamation in the left eye still. So steriod drops every three hours and we have to keep it dialted. So he will not be able to see out of the left eye over the weekend so well. He returns Monday to see if he can taper off of the steriod drops.

If he has any problems especially if he gets several floaters or blurred vision he is to be seen immediately.
My eye appiontment is not until December. But i am on the call list. They were so good about getting my son in i don't want to fuss to much.
They said he could get but does not yet have a detached retina. She said he could get glacoma from this thirty years down the road. And less likely but possible cataracts.
I am just assumming that RA inflamation could cause the same thing. I am going to take a nap. Scince we have to do the drops every three hours.
He is not likeing the drops one bit. I am just rambling because every three hours is a hard scheduale to keep up with. I have been catnapping but not sleeping. Add my meds to the mix. It is a chore.
I am not huvering it would seem that way. Coming in every three hours with the drops. He says it is making his eye hurt worse. I told him it was not intended to treat pain but inflamation. Also i said the dialation drops had worn off and they do help with pain. So well in fact that he  had waited longer on his pain pill.
So he says what about sleep surely i do not have to wake up every three hours? I said yes you do. The doctor said she did not think he was as concerned as he should be about this. She had a talk with me in private about the meds. I already know they do not give these meds out lightly as they can cause blindness. And actually i know my son cares very much. Last weekend in the hospital he asked me if he was going to die. He also asked if his eye had popped out of the socket. But my answer to the doctor was it doesn't matter if he cares or not. I said he has other people that care and will make sure he follows directions. Also that folllow up care was of the up most importance.
I of course told my son of this conversation and the the fact that the meds could also cause blindness and are not given out willy nilly.
So when he gets aggravated he says why do you people have to keep. I said keep what? Caring. He said yes all of you Moms keep caring. As if the Doctor and Nurse are right along with me waking him up and putting drops in his eyes. Well hopfully come Monday we can get a better schedual and tapper down. Maybe only bother him every five hours or even less. It would thrill me to not have to huver.

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