OT Terrible Neck Pain | Arthritis Information


Our oldest daughter is at college and called Tuesday in tears, ok, practically hysterical, that her neck was killing her. She got a friend to take her to the ER. They did a CAT scan and couldn't find anything wrong, but prescribed Darvocet and Flexeril. The next day, still in terrible pain, her boyfriend thought she should go to a chiropractor, but I said take her back to the ER. The ER said she should go to a chiropractor, which she did yesterday and again today, he cracked her neck and also had a massage. She called again tonight miserable, I don't know what to think, she had the meningitis vaccination. She stopped taking the Darvocet, because it made her sick to her stomach and the Flexeril, because she doesn't like to take pills. I told her to take the Flexeril because she needed her neck muscles to relax, but she should maybe go to a spinal dr. on Monday, because what's been done so far isn't helping. I'm not much help, I've never had neck or back pain. Could you sleep on your neck wrong and be in this much pain? That's what the chiropractor said. I'm open to experiences or suggestions.I would get an AI panel run. RF test ana ect.  I know you don't have back or neck pain but i sure do. My neck was the first really disabling thing to ever flare. It sent me into a depression as i was young and could not work from it. I did not get any answers. Lots of physical therapy and shots but no real help. So I say get her tested. Send her to an RDhi,

I too have pain in my neck and it was in my jaw also at the time.I have RA .When I went in I had an xray and found out both of my rotar cups had been torn,this was causing to I thought.
I then had my surgeries and then notice pain was worse in my neck. I found out I have dengerative disease disk in my neck,from RA. I had to have a MRI to show this.
I had therapy and it helped for awhile. My doctor says that my meds for arthritis will not help this. I am now having to take pain killer's but the next step maybe be a epiderial in my neck.
I love my chiropractor, but I would send her to an orthopedist first to see what may be going on with her spine, and if nothing turns up, then go on to the RD suggestion.  I have, in my life, just slept wrong and been in that much pain, but you don't want to assume that.  And with the pills, tell her to take the Flexeril at night if it's too much for her and if she wants to try the Darvocet again, maybe take half and do it on a full stomach.  I hope she's feeling better soon.Aw Ninil - that's tough.  I suggest traction.  Have her lie on her back and have a friend cup their hands underneath her skull where it meets her neck and SLOWLY put up - like trying to stretch her to be taller.  When it hurts, make them stop - do this a couple of times every few hours for a second or 30 seconds or minutes if possible.  If it starts to let up, they can slowly move her head from right to left (a very small amount of roll degree) while they have the neck tractioned out.  So do the traction, then a slow roll back and forth.  You might want to research a condition called torticulus (sp).  I am thinking of you.  Cathy PS  Sarah's in town on Monday :)  My suggestion would be to go to a licensed massage therapist. I had dibilitating neck pain due to disc compressions in my neck that have started to splinter. MY MT is extremely knowledgeable and massages my back shoulders and neck and does traction as well. I haven't had that bad kind of neck pain in over a year. Unfortunately my insurance refuses to cover it. They prefer to pay for surgery and other invasive procedures, and I'm not ready by a long shot. I think it is important your dau take the flexeril and darvocet (on full tummy as others have said) Also, if she has access to a pool or hot tub with jets to relax her might help as well. good luck!


That is awful.  Neck pain is soooooo, well, painful
I too have arthritis in my neck and it has sent me crying and yelling out in pain to the hosp.
You have gotten a lot of good advice here.  Traction sounds like it would be helpful to me.
I was given a neck brace because as the Doc put it our heads are so darn heavy that when your cervical spine is a mess it helps to have something help to hold your head.  It could be musles though.  Some xrays would be a good start.
In a person that young with accute neck pain who has been to the ER twice, had a neg CT, I'd think she has what we in the south call a crick in the neck. She has a muscle spasm, I used to get them all the time when under great of stress. Being in college, away from home, dealing with studying, new situations is stressful. I doubt she has meningitis, she'd be sick not just in pain, but ill with fever. She needs to take the flexiril, if the darvocet is causing nausea she can get dramamine over the counter. Try alternating heat with cold packs. If she's no better in a few days I'd bring her home (if possible) and have her follow up with her own doctor. I'd also have her take an anti-inflammatory, ibuprofen is cheap and available without an Rx, I'd have her take 3 to 4 pills with meals 3 times a day. Hope she feels better, stressful on us moms too when our babies are away and hurting.
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