Anyone taking Enbrel suggestions or thoughts | Arthritis Information


I have just started taking Enbrel (one shot a week) and will be giving myself the third dose this Monday. It burns going in. Any suggestions? My Doc said to leave it out of fridge for hour and a half but it still burned. I am so bad at shots, but I guess I will have to get better! I am also on MTX 7 pills a week. I didnt notice a lot of progess from the MTX, but have been feeling better since the shots. I just wish I could get some energy back. I teach kingergarten and NEED some engergy. I am exhausted at the end of the day and feel badly for my family that I have nothing left (also knees hurt!).

If you have any suggestions or thoughts I would appreciate it. Also, any thoughts or suggestions about the methotrexate. I heard I should drink lots of water before and after taking the MTX.
Thanks eveveryone,
Laurie  hi laurie,
I took enbrel for a year and it helped me a lot.It takes a few weeks to feel the difference in some people. Leaving the medicine out for awhile is a good idea and it helps.
It will problaly sting and burn awhile  until you get use to it,plus it depends on if your putting it in the right place.
You should get some engery back once the medicine starts kicking in. I also drink noni juice for inflamtion and it seems to be helping me.
I am not on rhemicade and mxt.
I don't know how bad you have RA but I have had it since 1997.
Sometimes if one medicine doesn't help you have to move to something else but give the enbrel a chance.
Humira didn't help me at all .
It will get better.
I am on rhemicade and mxt.I suggest putting an ice pack on the area you plan to give youself the shot in for 5 - 10 minutes, then wipe with paper towel to get moisture off, then alcohol swab, then the shot.  The numbing effect of the ice should help with the burn.
Also, I use the pre-filled syringe (instead of the pen), so if it starts to burn I stop and slow down the plunger.
I'm a fan of the ice pack too, but Dr. told me to leave it out for 20 min only.  I also inject in my tummy and use the pen.  I can feel it regardless and it does burn worse than Humira, but it is only for the quick minute the medicine is going in.  If that's the worst of it and it helps me I don't care, I'll live withe the burn.
Lots of luck.
I'm not sure if it's true or not, but I was told to make sure the alcohol was dry before injecting.   It may be that no matter what, you'll still have the sting.  I know I do, but I just count to 15 and it's over.  Still don't like it, but it's a short pain, so have learned to deal with it.   If you've only been on enbrel for a few weeks, give it a little more time.  For me, the 2nd month was much more noticeable and gradually the fatigue got better.    I was able to reduce my mtx from 25mg, to 20mg and now at 15mg, so I think that helped the fatigue as well.   Good luck - hope it makes you feel better soon. 