Liver ultrasound results | Arthritis Information


Well; everything looks fine on the ultrasound. Nothing jumped out at them that would point to a reason for the elevated liver panels.

The nurse that called me with the results said my doctor still wanted me to keep the GI appointment....but I said no. I said I wanted to test my blood again in two weeks and see what that looked like. I'm tired of seeing different doctors! I think it's a racket. This doctor sends you to this doctor....that doctor sends you to another. And so on and so on. Enough!
I'll do it if I have to....but right now I'm not going to do it. I'm in charge; right?

Lovie, I am so glad that everything looked okay. What a relief!  So if your blood looks good will you restart the mtx, boss? You must be happy to get good results from your liver ultrasound.  What a relief.
I've been on mtx since 1986.  There were a few times my alt/sgpt liver lab was elevated.  Once was when I was taking darvocet in addition to all my other RA meds, prior to hip surgery; another time my doc reduced one of my other RA meds and it went back to normal; and another time, by the next lab, it was normal again.  I've also given up booze totally, figure this ole liver has to last me. 
I hope you can resolve this, perhaps its just a matter of reviewing and adjusting some of your meds.  Good luck.
Lovie, this is great news and yes, you're in charge.  I don't blame you for refusing to see the gastrologist.  Have your liver functions done in 2 weeks and go from there.  I know you've been worried but I have a feeling your labs are going to return to normal.  Mine did.  They've been elevated twice in the last 4 years and returned to normal.  Take care.  LindyI don't know about the MTX about the MTX Pam. I think yesterday would have been three weeks now that I've been off it. Not doing great....but not terrible either; so well see. If I don't get much worse....maybe not. I've found sometimes my body just needs to adjust to the change and if I give it a little time things will even out. Lord knows I'd like to have a glass of wine again. I don't think I'll ever drink on a regular basis again; but it sure would be nice to have a glass of wine in a resturant on occations.