Charcot's joint disease? | Arthritis Information


has anyone ever heard of charcot's joints?  I found it when googling.  My 15 year old has JRA for several years.  He has arthritis in his fingers and as a result his knuckles are usually swollen and he has very loose tendons so he is extremely hypermobile.  The past several months his right mid finger is swollen HUGE at the knuckle.  He says it does not hurt and he can bend it.  He saw his rheumy 2 months ago and she was surprised but the xray looked pretty good.  He refused a steroid injection because he says it does not hurt him.  She let him go without the injection but said if it is still swollen at his Oct apt he will need an MRI.  Anyways, now his index finger is looking (not as bad) bigger than usual too, but again he says it does not hurt.  So I did a search and found this charcot's joint disease.  It seems to be when an underlying disease (JRA or other) has caused nerve damage and there is swelling but no pain.

Just wondering if anybody has or knows about this.  He sees his rheumatologist this month so I am going to bring it up to her but wanted to pass it by you guys.
I haven't heard of this, so please keep us updated as to what your rheum says!  That sounds like my daughter - swelling, but no pain. Suzanne,
I will let you know what she says.  I don't think she believes him that it does'nt hurt because he is known to deny obvious pain to avoid needles.  His fingers have always been painful but I believe him because he is not showing any signs of pain like asking me to open drink bottles or write his homework as he dictates.  I cant find my usb cord for my camera or I would post a pic for you.  It is really big but not like a sausage digit it is pillowy looking, kind of
He is hanging in there.  It is hard to believe he is bugging me to get going with his driver's permit
He's a great guy!  Hope your kids are doing well