How did your pregnancy's go? | Arthritis Information


I am doing a survey for sis. The ultra sound was good. The baby is developing well. The stomach was about a week and a half behind in developement but everything else was up to par. The doctor said she was not worried about the stomach.

Had a talk with sis about RA. Last year she was in absolute denial. She said of course you know i am going to flare after the baby. Of course she is only with a dx of fibromyalgia. Being her fourth baby we have an idea of how things will go. She also has a dx of tmj. So bless her heart she gets this in her jaw like her big sister. She is only 30. My son is 29. She has alot of GI issues as well.
She said great i will have the baby and not even be able to vacume the floor. At least she said this time maybe she won't have to hear the words drug seeking. She has been seeing my GP for the past year and he is the one that finally got my dx. The only problem was when she saw how sick i was she said i don't have that i just have fibro. But she has taken some time to think about it. And is going to push for a better dx after the baby.
I have no experience with after ra babies, 2 pre ra.  I would like you to keep in touch about it.  I really want another and I am scared but I will have another.  Interesting topic, thank you!!Forgot to add that I am 31.I thought about just getting pregnant again. I want another, but also I was hoping it put me into a flare bad enough I could get a dx. Selfish I know, but I do want another baby. Don't know for sure if DH and I will try or not, but we've discussed it. I really didn't start feeling bad until my youngest were about 3 so no experience with pregnancy while sick.  I have had 2 since dx. On both occasions. The flaring did not start until a few months after birth. Mabye because of the hormones still in your body?