Pain levels when not flaring. | Arthritis Information


It is about 6 months since my D'x and 1 month since my Pred was cut from 10mgs to 7.5mgs. Compared to where I was 6 months ago, I have been feeling pretty normal and painfree  until the last few days. My left knee is starting to act up again, both shoulders and wrists also. Darnnit!

I would be interested to know how you are painwise when you are not flaring. 
I guess I am wondering just what is ' normal' for most people between flares. I do realise some of you have constant pain  and I SO feel for you.
Thanks in advance

'Normal' seems to change all the time!  I had a great 3 month period where 'normal' was no symptoms at all.  Now, I feel something most days.  Mostly mild -- often just stiff hands -- but occasionally a stronger twinge or ache ... and other times I'm sure I'm on the cusp of a flare.  It's always there and consider it the background noise in life. 

Just yesterday I was sure that the 11 hours of painting we did had put me over the edge.  I went to bed with RA pain (twinges in my knees I hadn't felt for a long time, swollen hands, sore feet and achey shoulders), but this a.m. I woke up only with only muscle pain for over doing it. 

So all that to say that 'normal' changes all the time, and that the new pain you're feeling may be (and hopefully will be!) for a short period of time.

I do hope you are feeling some relief soon.

Take care,

Most days I don't have any RA pain. I still get other aches and pains - I don't know too many people, RA or not, who skate through life pain-free!  I am still plagued with overwhelming fatigue from time to time, but a few days of doing the bare minimum to keep the kids and husband alive, and then off to bed, usually gets me out of the slump. My pain levels change daily. Rarely does a day go by that I'm totally pain free, but the days vary. Some days I can barely get out of bed and hold a coffee cup in the morning. Other days, I can get right up (funny how I don't notice the good days as much as the bad).
I personally have never had the bad "flares" that others have had here, and I hope to God I never do. I just have really bad days.
I have never been pain free.
 there are some days when I feel pretty good, but the pain is always there.
 especially in my knees and hips and feet.
 on a "good day" after the morning stiffness is gone I am in really good shape til about 4 pm.. then its downhill from there.
some days I can't hold my coffee cup and I will ruin 2 or 3 eggs trying to fix Mark's breakfast. If it starts ut that bad it wont get much better.
 I'd say an average non pain day my pain is about a 3 or 4  on a scale of  10...  other days its about a 6 or 7 .. when I am flaring its a 10 or 12.
kathy_in_wlsv2008-10-06 05:45:42