My Aching/Hurting Knees | Arthritis Information


Been awhile since I was on the board. Have been busy with mom's who have been ill, a constipated dog (a first for me), and life.  However, all of this seems to have caught up with me.

For the past few days my knees had begun aching, certain movements would cause more than a bit of discomfort and they were definitely swollen. My PT exercises have given me so much improvement that I really didn't think this was the problem.
Well, I made an appt. with my gp and his dx is that I've developed patella tendonitis. The solution is to lay off the exercise for at least a week, except for walking. Since it's been raining heavily in our part of the country for the last day or two and the forecast is for more of the same for who knows how long.
No complaints because I've begun to embroidery a set of dishtowels for my niece and I've been reading, reading and reading. 

Where's Joonie?
Sorry to hear about the rebellious knees, and the stopped-up dog.  I got no advice, other than to try to find a bright side... you could have an arthritic dog with the runs, who can never quite make it outside in time