Insomnia... | Arthritis Information


I think maybe I slept too much over the weekend.  I went on another silent retreat last weekend.  A few lectures, lots of time for reading, lounging, contemplating, and napping.  I think maybe I'm all slept out!  I dug out the Lunesta and popped one an hour ago. I got the bitter taste in my mouth 20 minutes after taking it, so I know I've absorbed it into my system... but other than a bit of relaxation it's not made me tired at all!  I tried to lay down and go to sleep, but after 40 minutes of tossing and turning and driving the poor TinyCat crazy, I gave up.  I think I'll take another half-tab (total dosage=3mg; normal dosage for Lunesta is 1 to 3mg).  But it's probably pointless - I doubt another mg will do anything to cause me to sleep.

Did you visit Sam Adams. Sometimes beer keeps me awake. I have not had any in ages but that is how it effects me. Well even without it my sleep patterns are always off. Some times it is just wanting a bit of time for yourself. You will get some sleep soon. [QUOTE=milly]Did you visit Sam Adams. Sometimes beer keeps me awake. I have not had any in ages but that is how it effects me. Well even without it my sleep patterns are always off. Some times it is just wanting a bit of time for yourself. You will get some sleep soon.[/QUOTE]

Nope, I decided not to invite Sam over tonight... and I had my Coke at around 10:00AM, so I doubt the 40mg of caffeine is still affecting me.  I've not had any Sudafed, speed, crack cocaine, coffee, chocolate, sex, anything to rev up the old metabolism.You are not having enough fun to make your self tired. LOL Eat a bowl of ice cream that always puts me out. [QUOTE=milly]You are not having enough fun to make your self tired. LOL Eat a bowl of ice cream that always puts me out.[/QUOTE]

Oh hell no - I have a bit of lactose intolerance (or as older son calls it - "black toast intolerance").  Not good when trying to sleep!Well, I just popped the additional mg of lunesta, as well as a benadryl (allergies have been bothering me a bit; perhaps the benadryl will take care of them as well as give me a nudge towards slumber).  I'm gonna start reading my book and hopefully fall asleep in 10 minutes or so!!!  The TinyCat is getting mighty upset with this late-night activity.  She desperately wants me to lay down (on my side) so she can stretch herself out along my hip and leg... and "knead" my calf with her claws (I just clipped and filed them, so they're dull). Sorry I layed down a minute. the benydril should get it. I do not do well with sleep aids myself gave them up. Never tried Lunesta. The Ambien if it worked was only ever good for a nap. I have a rash so thats why i am up. I lead a very messed up life. Allergic to everything i need.

Oh well Sis just called looks like we are going to the hospital. She is 31 weeeks I really hope they can stop the labor. She is going to take a pill to try to stop the labor and then call me back if it does not work. I am going to take a bath also.
Well she thinks the ahhhhhh tra trabutaline? The Tra thing is working. LOL It's four a.m. we can't even talk. I need to take an antihystamine and it will knock me out. I woke up because it wore off. Oh poooh! I don't know what to do? She said go back to sleep. I will nap. I am going to start getting more rest. This baby thing could mess me up if it comes when i am all ready exhausted i have learned my lesson. Goodnight.Sis has OB appiontment today. Gets her shot. So far no baby yet. Good we do need to wait a while if possible. I feel like an on call doctor. I probably would have been a doctor if not for such a demanding family. LOL I love them. Sis lived with me during her highschool years. I was her guardian. She has decided she wants me when she has the baby. I would never tell her no i am to sick today. I just hope i am able to keep the cfs under control. I take clemastine furmate instaed of benydril. I am allergic to Benydril. The extra prednisone for the rash is what kept me up. Other wise I do not have trouble sleeping anymore.
I do wonder what that is when our clock won't shut off. I used to get that all the time is it fibro? I mean when it is natural and not caused by anything like you had last night. It's something.
Well I think I know what my problem is.  I recently had my dose of metoprolol lowered, because my heartrate was consistently hovering around 50bpm and I haven't been having any wacky arrhythmias lately - probably because I'm only working part-time and am not nearly as stressed out as I was before.  With the dose cut in half (25mg twice/day) my heartrate is around 60 but I feel like I've been mainlining caffeine!  I might have to bump it back up to 25mg 3x/day for a week or so, and then back down again.  Alright i was going to ask you to be my lab rat and do a study. But if it is from meds you are disqualified. As I am sure everyone on the forum is on meds. have to get my lab rats somewhere else. Even if it is just less meds it's still a medicine thing. Hope you get better sleep.