oa following total hysterectomy | Arthritis Information


Hi all, I am new here so pls bear with me.  I have just been diagnosed with oa in all my joints.  From toes right through to my neck.  I dont have a single moment without pain.  I have been very down and looking through this web site I have discovered that I am not alone.  Thank heaven for all you supportive people.  I had my hyst. in feb. but no-one warned me that it could bring on oa with such full force.  I am not sure what is ahead for me and I am scared that because it has advanced so quickly that I wont have time to sort myself out ready for it.  Sounding a bit sorry for myself I know, sorry.  I have gone from major internal probs to huge pain probs in my joints and it is hard to cope with. I have high blood pressure and cholestorel also and I feel like I am taking tabs all the time and nothing is getting better.  thanks for listeningHi Don,

Sorry to hear of your arthritic pain.
It seems a stretch to believe that all your joints wore out at the same time. If you could give some more info., hopefully we can help you with a plan. For example, how quickly did your OA come on, age (roughly).
Hi Ron, thanks for responding. The rheumie said that I probably had the start of oa already and when my body had no eostregon for 6 wks following hyster. that aggravated the oa and it hit with a vengeance.  I am just turned 48 ( three days ago ) I have great support from hubby and two grown children and their partners , so I am okay there.  I have had a fitting done for carbon fibre foot plates and get them in a couple of days, that should help me to walk easier because at the moment my big toe joints are painful and I cant put weight on them.  X-rays have shown oa in my fingers, knees, shoulders and neck.  The neck x-ray result says failure of segmentation of C3,C4,C5,C6 and C7 and loss of cervical lordosis ( whatever that is ) I go back to the rheumie at the end of oct. My hips feel like they are in a vice, but they havent been x-rayed.  I have had more blood tests done and get the results for them at my next visit. I am taking glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin tabs but apparently it can take a few weeks for them to kick in.  I think its early days yet and have a positive outlook that it will settle and I will be able to cope.  Just scares me when the doc says it wont go away and will gradually get worse. Normally I am a very happy person, sorry to sound like a whinger.
Thanks again
Don Hi Don,
I have to agree with your rheumie that we all have joints that are starting to wear out but not to the extent that you are experiencing. Your rheumie may also be right that the lack of estrogen is the cause of your pain, I don't know about that.
I am wondering about an infectious cause for your pain and previous health problems. A doctor has on his website that Lyme borreliosis can cause any symptom and any disease. Surgery is known to cause Lyme to flare. If you click on my OA page and then find Lyme symptoms in the menu on the left you can check and see if you might have Lyme. Your doc will probably be of little help with Lyme, you will have to find a LLMD.
If you don't feel you have Lyme here is another site to research:-
Here people are treating arthritis with antibiotics and having good outcomes.
Don't let your doctor lull you into believing that you are just going to get worse, do your research and ask questions.
Good luck!
Hi Ron
Thank you for your reply.  I am new to all the terms related to docs and such.  What is an LLMD ?  I had a look at the sites you mentioned.  I do have many of the symptoms but some of them also seem to be what I was told to expect after my op.  Menopausal etc.  When I next go to the rheumy I will speak to him about lyme, if nothing else it will show him that I am not just taking what he says as gospel and am prepared to check all avenues.
have a good day
Hi Don,
Is it OA?  It sure sounds like RA with so many joints becoming involved  at the same time.
Hello Pam
To be honest , I am a bit bamboozled by it all at the moment.  Rheumie said oa also mentioned ra.  Maybe that is what the extra blood tests are for.  I am just fed up with not feeling myself and having everything hurt.  I only do half of my days work and I am worn out.  How are you ?
Hi Donna,
A LLMD is a Lyme literate medical doctor. Problem is that the infectious cause of Lyme was discovered just over 20 years ago and most doctors have not been trained to diagnose or treat the infection. This infection has a penchant for previous injury or trauma so can cause a flare of arthritic symptoms, doesn't matter if you call it OA or RA, the treatment is the same.
Make Google your best friend, try LLMD.
Happy researching!
Hormone changes can definately trigger ra.  Try posting in the rheumatoid arthritis forum.  There are a lot more people hanging out in there that can offer support/advice.  I have had ra for many years.  It became much worse when perimenopause hit.  There are people there that use traditional meds and those that use antibiotics. 
Hope to see you there
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