Study challenges C. difficile link to antibiotics | Arthritis Information


Study challenges C. diff link to antibiotics
The Gazette
Published: Tuesday, October 07
Infection with potentially deadly Clostridium difficile is often linked to antibiotic use, but new research suggests other factors may be involved in the spread of the highly contagious superbug.
In study of infection in the community, McGill University researcher Sandra Dial found that most of the patients who got sick and were hospitalized because of C. difficile had not been taking antibiotic drugs prior to getting the infection.

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My neice got c. diff from her immunosuppressant - she wasn't on any antibiotics and the hospital said she had to be.  LOL

She has UC.
Here is an more recent study that comfirms partially this headline. It says only 50% of C difs are from antibiotic, not exactly freeing antibiotics from this serious complication. This study is dated Oct 2008.
