Things are looking up! | Arthritis Information


1. I got the apartment I wanted and am packing to move the end of the week or weekend. We aren't sure why, but all of hubby's non-payments did not show up on my credit report. I got the apartment with a 0 dep instead of 00. The lady that helped with all the legal work has a team of men who are coming to move me.

2. The hotel job I applied for and then was told they had no positions available when the  drug test came back - the GM called me back and said they only send people for a drug test once you are hired, so technically I had the job and since they didn't give me a chance to produce a doctor's perscription, he is going to investigate the matter. Also, his brother has RA, so he is familiar with pain management. It looks like I may have a great paying job afterall!. 
3. My Counselor called this morning and said I was an amazing, dynamic, well-spoken, well-educated person and she wants to hire me on a contract basis to talk to some of her clients who are going through some of the things I went through. She's going to pay me per 15min of talking.
4. My pain level is down, no more panic attacks, but still some anxiety due to the upcoming move. I'm sleeping better and eating better
5. My Counselor is also a college counselor and says I can go for free next semester. No cost for tuition, books, and they give money to live on and gas.
6. youngest son started college today and eldest son agreed to go in for more surgery since his surgery from last Dec. still has not healed. In 6mo he will be on his way to the AF!
Owie, I am so happy for you and so glad that things are working out...finally.  Sounds like you are on the right track.  I will continue to pray for you and hope that all continues to work out for you.  You go girl!!!
What a wonderful post Deb, things sure are looking up and your positive head with all the positive thoughts sent your way have worked. Yaaaah!!!
I am so happy for you!
Things can only get better. Keep that foremost.... THINGS CAN ONLY GET BETTER!!
I have every available non screwed up digit crossed for you so we cant go wrong.
Lyn  xxxxx
I am so glad things are better, I have been thinking of you.

Oh what great news!  I'm so happy for you!!Certainly does sound like things are on the upswing.  CONGRATS!~This is GREAT news!!! so happy for you..... It's amazing how quickly bad can change to good.  So happy for you!   Yay!Great news! Thanks to everyone here. You guys gave me the strength to keep going when I thought I couldn't. I still cry a lot, but I am almost done. Separating everything and packing by myself is so much harder than I thought it would be. I sure hurt today. Friday is moving day and I am hoping older son does not have to work.Very inspirational perserved and are on your way.

Congratulations on everything - it certainly sounds like things are moving in the right direction for you. 
