Normal values? | Arthritis Information


I just had more blood work done and the doctor I am now going to is part of an online thing where I can see my results as soon as she can however this time the labs do not have the normal vaules range listed so I am still waiting because I can't seem to find anything that can tell me what I am looking at so I thought I would post them here and see if any of you can help me....

Lupus Anticoagulant Panel R
DRVVT Confirmatory Test R NOT APPL  
aPTT 37  
Hexagonal Phospholipid Neut NOT APPL  
DRVV Corrected NOT APPL  
Reptilase Time (Patient) NOT APPL  
PTT-Heparin Neutralized NOT APPL  
Interpretation: SEE NOTE  
PTT, 1:1 Mix Unincubated NOT APPL  
DRVV Patient 38  
Platelet Neutralization NOT APPL  
PT 13.4

(there was no note attached, some had numbers other said not appl.  ???)

Cyclic Citrul Peptide Ab, IgG        2

B2Glycoprotein I, IgA Ab Options     8

Scleroderma Ab     323

This lab does not write an H for high next to them they typically just give the normal value range and so you can tell.  Really wanting to know what all this means and trying to figure it out on my own.  I am sure the doc will call me soon.

This is what is says for the results of my Echo...

1. Mild tricuspid regurgitation. By Doppler estimation, no pulmonary hypertension;
further, RV size and function are normal. 2. Left ventricular systolic function is
normal. 3. There is mild left ventricular hypertrophy. 4. Impaired relaxation pattern
of LV diastolic filling. 5. The right atrium is mildly dilated. Normal-appearing IVC
suggests lack of central venous hypertension. 6. Mild pulmonic valve regurgitation.


My CT looked great
CT chest angiogram: CT chest angiography was performed with the
administration of 150 mL Isovue-300. There is no evidence of
pulmonary embolus. The pulmonary arterial tree appears normal.
Lungs are clear without evidence of acute or chronic disease. No
obvious hilar, mediastinal or pleural abnormality.

Radiologic diagnosis:

1. Normal chest CT angiogram.




Hey- the only test ranges that I have are for your CCP and scleroderma tests.
Here are the ranges on my report:
Scleroderma AB     29 AU/ml or less.............negative
                              30-40 AU/ML..................equivocal
                              41 AU/ML or greater......Positive
Cyclic Citr Pept   less than 20 units.........negative
                          20-39............................weak positive
                          40-59............................moderate positive
                          60 units or greater........strong positive
Hope this helps.